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ConvertDoc Command Line software does convert between markup formats. ConvertDoc is a Command Line application for converting from one markup format to another. It can read markdown and (subsets of) reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX and Textile, and it can write markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Docbook, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx, RTF, MediaWiki, Textile, groff man pages, plain text, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, EPUB, and S5 and Slidy HTML slide shows.

ConvertDoc extends standard markdown syntax with footnotes, embedded LaTeX, definition lists, tables, and other features.

In contrast to existing tools for converting markdown to HTML, which use regex substitutions, ConvertDoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the document, and a set of writers, which convert this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer.

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, ConvertDoc is your swiss-army knife. ConvertDoc can convert between the following formats:

(← = conversion from; → = conversion to; ↔︎ = conversion from and to)

Lightweight markup formats
↔︎ Markdown (including CommonMark)
↔︎ reStructuredText
→ AsciiDoc
↔︎ Emacs Org-Mode
↔︎ Emacs Muse
↔︎ Textile
← txt2tags

HTML formats
↔︎ (X)HTML 4
↔︎ HTML5

↔︎ EPUB version 2 or 3
↔︎ FictionBook2

Documentation formats
→ GNU TexInfo
↔︎ Haddock markup

Roff formats
↔︎ roff man
→ roff ms

TeX formats
↔︎ LaTeX
→ ConTeXt

XML formats
↔︎ DocBook version 4 or 5
→ TEI Simple

Outline formats

Data formats
← CSV tables

Word processor formats
↔︎ Microsoft Word docx
↔︎ OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT
→ OpenDocument XML
→ Microsoft PowerPoint

Interactive notebook formats
↔︎ Jupyter notebook (ipynb)

Page layout formats
→ InDesign ICML

Wiki markup formats
↔︎ MediaWiki markup
↔︎ DokuWiki markup
← TikiWiki markup
← TWiki markup
→ Vimwiki markup
→ XWiki markup
→ ZimWiki markup
↔︎ Jira wiki markup

Slide show formats
→ LaTeX Beamer
→ Slidy
→ reveal.js
→ Slideous
→ S5
→ DZSlides

Custom formats
→ custom writers can be written in lua.

→ via pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, pdfroff, wkhtml2pdf, prince, or weasyprint.

ConvertDoc understands a number of useful markdown syntax extensions, including document metadata (title, author, date); footnotes; tables; definition lists; superscript and subscript; strikeout; enhanced ordered lists (start number and numbering style are significant); running example lists; delimited code blocks with syntax highlighting; smart quotes, dashes, and ellipses; markdown inside HTML blocks; and inline LaTeX. If strict markdown compatibility is desired, all of these extensions can be turned off.

ConvertDoc is a standalone command-line program, it doesn't require any third-party applications, for example, it doesn't require MS Word to convert DOCX to PDF or DOCX to HTML or DOCX to RTF or DOCX to EPUB or DOCX to Text, etc., it doesn't require MS Internet Explorer or Chrome or Firefox to convert HTML to DOCX or HTML to PDF or HTML to EPUB or HTML to Text, etc., and so on.

ConvertDoc Command Line can be used to convert from and to following formats,

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ConvertDoc Command Line for Windows

  • Product Code: MOD200314182312
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Viewed: 33904
  • Sold By: eDoc Software
  • Seller Rating:
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  • $79.95

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Tags: convertdoc, html to pdf, rtf to pdf, docx to pdf, html to docx, rtf to docx, rtf to html, html to epub, markdown to html, rtf to epub, docx to epub, html to text, html to odt, odt to docx, text to html, convert doc, pandoc