Email Extractor – Standalone PHP Script

Email Extractor is a web spider (PHP script) which crawls through the web and extracts e-mail addresses from webpages. You just have to enter start webpage URL, select crawling mode, set maximum number of URLs to crawl and launch a spider. It will walk around the web and collect e-mail addresses.

Email Extractor – Standalone PHP Script

Email Extractor Features:
* Start webpage URL: spider starts working with this page.
* 2 crawling modes: same domain URLs only and all URLs.
* Maximum number of URLs: spider can crawl limited and unlimited number of URLs.
* Crawling statistics: list of URLs, e-mails and error log.
* Clean code: clean PHP and JavaScript code can be used for study purposes.
* CURL and fsockopen supported: spider can work through either fsockopen or CURL.
* Portable and standalone PHP Script, without installation.
* No database required.

* Spider doesn't extract e-mails from images.
* Spider doesn't extract e-mails from password protected area of websites.
* Some websites may block spiders.
* Make sure that using spiders is not against of your hosting provider TOS (TAC).

* PHP version 5.0 or greater.

How to use?

You can just run following command line to start the Email Crawler for a website easily,

".\php\php.exe" "crawl.php" url=== level===100


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