PDF Toolkit Command Line Tools & Utilities

PDF Toolkit Command Line gives you a wide range of professional, robust tools to modify PDF files manually from the command line, from scripts or within programs.

VeryPDF offers easy-to-use command line tools and other utilities that enable processing PDF documents individually and in batch mode for use in high-throughput server environments, or as building blocks for client or server-based applications. All tools are built on VeryPDF technology and are available on Windows, Linux* and MacOS* (available on request).

PDF Toolkit Command Line consists of various specialized command line options that can be used without any programming effort. They can be concatenated – for instance, if documents in a batch process should first be checked for content prior to merging.

PDF Toolkit Command Line is a Command Line application for Developers to Manipulate and Compress PDF Files. PDF Toolkit Command Line is the powerful developer tool to create, modify, view, extract, and automate data to and from PDF files within software applications. The PDF Toolkit Command Line contains hundreds of command line options, designed to tackle any PDF-related task.

Whether you need a few documents a day or thousands of pages a second, Toolkit is the high-performance PDF manipulation and compression tool that helps get the job done!

PDF Toolkit Command Line features:
* PDF Merge Program for merging multiple PDF documents.
* PDF Split Program for splitting a single PDF document into multiple PDF documents.
* PDF Select Program for reading out selected pages.
* PDF Text Extraction Program.
* PDF Form Filling Program for simple form-based functions.
* PDF Web Link Program for inserting web links.
* PDF Table of Contents Program for creating tables of contents.
* PDF Bookmarks Program for reading out and creating bookmarks.
* PDF Info Program for listing document properties such as the number of pages or page dimensions.
* Quality Split and Merge, keeping bookmarks. Extract pages. Split on Bookmarks.
* All operations can apply to any page range, e.g 1-3,1-end or 6-30even.
* Linearize (Fast web view).
* Losslessly squeeze files to reduce their size.
* Encrypt and Decrypt (including AES 128 and AES 256 encryption).
* Read and set info and metadata from a PDF file. NEW Print XMP Metadata.
* Scale, rotate, crop and flip pages. Scale pages to fit.
* Copy, Remove and Add bookmarks.
* Stamp logos, shapes, watermarks, page numbers and multiline text. NEW Transparency, more positions, and pre-position stamp.
* Supports Unicode UTF8 text input and output.
* Make PDF-based presentations.
* Put multiple pages on a single page.
* Add, remove and manipulate annotations.
* Add and remove file attachments to document or page.
* Thicken hairlines, blacken text, make draft documents.
* Reconstruct malformed files.
* Detect missing fonts, low resolution images.
* Read commands from a control file.
* List spot colours.
* Set the open action of a PDF.
* Add, modify, remove, or print page labels.
* Combine multiple operations in a single command.

Other areas of use:
* Preparing documents for printing and dispatch.
* Personalizing documents in web server applications or in batch processing (e. g. quotes for customers).
* Completing form fields in batch processing mode (e. g. compiling reports from a database).
* Document assembly, i.e. splitting and merging pages such as title page and blank pages, as well as enriching pages by adding logos, page numbering and other content.

Syntax: pdftoolkit [op] [op-specific arguments] [-o [output file]] [input files]

Input names are distinguished by containing a '.' and may be
followed by a page range specification, for instance "1,2,3"
or "1-6,9-end" or "even" or "odd" or "reverse".

Operations (See manual for full details):

  -version                  Print the pdftoolkit version number
  -o                        Set the output file, if appropriate
  -i                        Add an input file
  -idir                     Add a directory of files
  -stdin                    Read input from standard input
  -stdin-owner              Owner password for -stdin
  -stdin-user               User password for -stdin
  -stdout                   Send result to standard output
  -range                    Explicitly add a range
  -change-id                Change the file's /ID tag
  -no-preserve-objstm       Don't preserve object streams
  -create-objstm            Create object streams anew
  -keep-version             Don't change the version number
  -l                        Linearize output file
  -keep-l                   Linearize if the input file was linearized
  -pdftoolkitlin            Set location of 'pdftoolkitlin'
  -recrypt                  Keep this file's encryption when writing
  -raw                      Do not process text
  -stripped                 Process text by simple stripping to ASCII
  -utf8                     Process text by conversion to UTF8 Unicode
  -fast                     Speed over correctness with malformed documents
  -control                  Use a control file. Deprecated. Use -args.
  -merge                    Merge a number of files into one
  -retain-numbering         Don't renumber pages when merging
  -remove-duplicate-fonts   Remove duplicate fonts when merging
  -split                    Split a file into individual pages
  -chunk                    Set chunk size for -split (default 1)
  -split-bookmarks          Split a file at bookmarks at a given level
  -scale-page               -scale-page "sx sy" scales by (sx, sy)
  -scale-to-fit             -scale-to-fit "x y" scales to page size (x, y)
  -scale-contents           Scale Contents by the given factor
  -scale-center             Scale contents around center
  -scale-to-fit-scale       -scale-to-fit-scale (1.0 = 100%)
  -shift                    -shift "dx dy" shifts the chosen pages
  -rotate                   Set rotation of pages to 0, 90, 180, 270
  -rotateby                 Rotate pages by 90, 180 or 270 degrees
  -rotate-contents          Rotate contents of pages
  -upright                  Make pages upright
  -hflip                    Flip pages horizontally
  -vflip                    Flip pages vertically
  -crop                     Crop specified pages
  -hard-box                 Hard crop specified pages to the given box
  -remove-crop              Remove cropping on specified pages
  -frombox                  Set box to copy from
  -tobox                    Set box to copy to
  -mediabox-if-missing      If copy from box missing, substitute media box
  -mediabox                 Set media box on specified pages
  -encrypt                  Encrypt a document
  -decrypt                  Decrypt a file
  -no-edit                  No edits
  -no-print                 No printing
  -no-copy                  No copying
  -no-annot                 No annotations
  -no-forms                 No forms
  -no-extract               No extracting
  -no-assemble              No assembling
  -no-hq-print              No high quality printing
  -no-encrypt-metadata      Don't encrypt metadata (AES only)
  -decompress               Decompress
  -compress                 Compress streams, leaving metadata alone
  -list-bookmarks           List Bookmarks
  -remove-bookmarks         Remove bookmarks from a file
  -add-bookmarks            Add bookmarks from the given file
  -presentation             Make a presentation
  -trans                    Set the transition method for -presentation
  -duration                 Set the display duration for -presentation
  -vertical                 Set dimension for Split and Blinds styles
  -outward                  Set direction for Split and Box styles
  -direction                Set direction for Wipe and Glitter styles
  -effect-duration          Set the effect duration in seconds
  -stamp-on                 Stamp a file on some pages of another
  -stamp-under              Stamp a file under some pages of another
  -scale-stamp-to-fit       Scale the stamp to fit the page
  -combine-pages            Combine two files by merging individual pages
  -add-text                 Superimpose text on the given range of pages
  -remove-text              Remove text previously added by pdftoolkit
  -add-rectangle            Add a rectangle to the page
  -bates                    Set the base bates number
  -bates-at-range           Set the base bates number at first page in range
  -bates-pad-to             Pad the bates number with leading zeroes to width
  -font                     Set the font
  -font-size                Set the font size
  -no-embed-font            Do not embed fonts
  -color                    Set the color
  -opacity                  Set the text opacity
  -outline                  Use outline mode for text
  -linewidth                Set line width for outline text
  -pos-center               Set position relative to center of baseline
  -pos-left                 Set position relative to left of baseline
  -pos-right                Set position relative to right of baseline
  -top                      Set position relative to center top of page
  -topleft                  Set position relative to top left of page
  -topright                 Set position relative to top right of page
  -left                     Set position relative to center left of page
  -bottomleft               Set position relative to bottom left of page
  -bottom                   Set position relative to center bottom of page
  -bottomright              Set position relative to bottom right of page
  -right                    Set position relative to center right of page
  -diagonal                 Place text diagonally across page
  -reverse-diagonal         Place text diagonally across page from top left
  -center                   Place text in the center of the page
  -justify-left             Justify multiline text left
  -justify-right            Justify multiline text right
  -justify-center           Justify multiline text centre
  -underneath               Text stamp is underneath content
  -line-spacing             Line spacing (1 is normal)
  -midline                  Adjust text to midline rather than baseline
  -topline                  Adjust text to topline rather than baseline
  -relative-to-cropbox      Add text relative to Crop Box not Media Box
  -prerotate                Calls -upright on pages before adding text
  -twoup                    Put 2 pages onto one
  -twoup-stack              Stack 2 pages onto one twice the size
  -pad-before               Add a blank page before the given pages
  -pad-after                Add a blank page after the given pages
  -pad-every                Add a blank page after every n pages
  -pad-multiple             Pad the document to a multiple of n pages
  -list-annotations         List annotations
  -copy-annotations         Copy annotations from given file
  -remove-annotations       Remove annotations
  -list-fonts               Output font list
  -info                     Output file information
  -page-info                Output file information
  -set-author               Set Author
  -set-title                Set Title
  -set-subject              Set Subject
  -set-keywords             Set Keywords
  -set-create               Set Creation date
  -set-modify               Set Modification date
  -set-creator              Set Creator
  -set-producer             Set Producer
  -set-trapped              Mark as trapped
  -set-untrapped            Mark as not trapped
  -set-page-layout          Set page layout upon document opening
  -set-page-mode            Set page mode upon document opening
  -open-at-page             Set initial page
  -open-at-page-fit         Set inital page, scaling to fit
  -set-metadata             Set metadata to the contents of a file
  -print-metadata           Output metadata information
  -remove-metadata          Remove document metadata
  -hide-toolbar             Hide the viewer's toolbar
  -hide-menubar             Hide the viewer's menubar
  -hide-window-ui           Hide the viewer's scroll bars etc.
  -fit-window               Resize document's window to fit size of page
  -center-window            Position window in the center of screen
  -display-doc-title        Display document's title in the title bar
  -pages                    Count pages
  -list-attached-files      List attached files
  -attach-file              Attach a file
  -to-page                  Attach file to given page instead of document
  -remove-files             Remove embedded attached document-level files
  -image-resolution         List images under a given dpi
  -copy-font                Copy a named font
  -copy-font-page           Set the page a copied font is drawn from
  -remove-fonts             Remove embedded fonts
  -copy-font-name           Set the name of the font to copy
  -missing-fonts            List missing fonts
  -remove-id                Remove the file's /ID tag
  -draft                    Remove images from the file
  -boxes                    Add crossed boxes to -draft option
  -blacktext                Blacken document text
  -blacklines               Blacken lines in document
  -blackfills               Blacken fills in document
  -thinlines                Set minimum line thickness to the given width
  -remove-clipping          Remove clipping paths
  -clean                    Garbage-collect a file
  -set-version              Set PDF version number
  -copy-id-from             Copy one file's ID tag to another
  -print-page-labels        Print page labels
  -remove-page-labels       Remove page labels
  -add-page-labels          Add or replace page labels
  -label-style              Set label style (default DecimalArabic)
  -label-prefix             Set label prefix (default none)
  -label-startval           Set label start value (default 1)
  -remove-dict-entry        Remove an entry from all dictionaries
  -producer                 Change the /Producer entry in the /Info dictionary
  -creator                  Change the /Creator entry in the /Info dictionary
  -list-spot-colors         List spot colors
  -squeeze                  Squeeze
  -squeeze-log-to           Squeeze log location
  -help                     Display this list of options
  --help                    Display this list of options

PDF Command Line Tools Usage Examples:
Here are some examples of the PDF command line tools in action. This is just a small selection, for more examples, see the Full PDF Manual in the download package.

1. Basic Usage
2. Merging and Splitting
3. Pages
4. Encryption and Decryption
5. Compression
7. Presentations
8. Logos, Watermarks and Stamps
9. Multipage Facilities
10. Annotations
11. Document Information and Metadata
12. File Attachments
13. Miscellaneous

1. Basic Usage

    pdftoolkit in.pdf 1-3,6 -o out.pdf

Read in.pdf, select pages 1, 2, 3 and 6, and write those pages to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit in.pdf even -o out.pdf

Select the even pages (2, 4, 6...) from in.pdf and write those pages to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -merge in.pdf in2.pdf AND -add-text "Copyright 2016" -o out.pdf

Using AND to perform several operations in order, here merging two files together and adding a copyright stamp to every page.

    pdftoolkit -control control.txt

Read control.txt and use its contents as the command line arguments for pdftoolkit.

2. Merging and Splitting

    pdftoolkit -merge in.pdf in2.pdf -o out.pdf

Merge in.pdf and in2.pdf into one document, writing to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -split in.pdf -o Chunk%%%.pdf -chunk 10

Split in.pdf into ten-page chunks, writing them to Chunk001.pdf, Chunk002.pdf etc.

    pdftoolkit -split-bookmarks 0 in.pdf -o @N.pdf

Split in.pdf on bookmark boundaries, writing each to a file whose name is the bookmark label.

3. Pages

    pdftoolkit -scale-page "2 2" in.pdf -o out.pdf

Scale both the dimensions and contents of in.pdf by a factor of two in x and y directions.

    pdftoolkit -scale-to-fit usletterportrait in.pdf -o out.pdf

Scale the pages in in.pdf to fit the US Letter page size, writing to out.pdf

    pdftoolkit -shift "26pt 18mm" in.pdf -o out.pdf

Shift the contents of the page by 26 pts in the x direction, and 18 millimetres in the y direction, writing to out.pdf

    pdftoolkit -rotate-contents 90 in.pdf -o out.pdf

Rotate the contents of the pages in in.pdf by ninety degrees and write to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -crop "0 0 600pt 400pt" in.pdf -o out.pdf

Crop the pages in in.pdf to a 600 pts by 400 pts rectangle.

4. Encryption and Decryption

    pdftoolkit -encrypt 128bit ownerpwd userpwd in.pdf -o out.pdf
    pdftoolkit -encrypt 40bit ownerpwd userpwd -no-print sample_verypdf.pdf -o _out_encrypt1.pdf
    pdftoolkit -encrypt 128bit ownerpwd userpwd -no-extract sample_verypdf.pdf -o _out_encrypt2.pdf
    pdftoolkit -encrypt AES ownerpwd "" -no-edit -no-copy sample_verypdf.pdf -o _out_encrypt3.pdf
    pdftoolkit -encrypt AES256 ownerpwd "" -no-forms sample_verypdf.pdf -o _out_encrypt4.pdf

Encrypt in.pdf using 128bit PDF encryption using the owner password ownerpwd and the user password userpwd and writing the encrypted file to out.pdf

    pdftoolkit -decrypt in.pdf owner=fred -o out.pdf

Decrypt in.pdf using the owner password, writing to out.pdf.

5. Compression

    pdftoolkit -compress in.pdf -o out.pdf

Compress the data streams in in.pdf, writing the result to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -decompress in.pdf -o out.pdf

Decompress the data streams in in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.


    pdftoolkit -list-bookmarks in.pdf

List the bookmarks in in.pdf. This would produce:

0 "Part 1" 1 open
1 "Part 1A" 2
2 "Part 1B" 3
0 "Part 2" 4
1 "Part 2a" 5

    pdftoolkit -add-bookmarks bookmarks.txt in.pdf -o out.pdf

Add bookmarks in the same form from a prepared file bookmarks.txt to in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.

7. Presentations

    pdftoolkit -presentation in.pdf 2-end -trans Split -duration 10 -o out.pdf

Use the Split style to build a presentation from the PDF in.pdf, each slide staying 10 seconds on screen unless manually advanced. The first page, being a title does not move on automatically, and has no transition effect.

8. Logos, Watermarks and Stamps

    pdftoolkit -stamp-on watermark.pdf in.pdf -o out.pdf

Stamp the file watermark.pdf on to each page of in.pdf, writing the result to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -topleft 10 -font Courier -add-text "Page %Page\nDate %d-%m-%Y" in.pdf -o out.pdf

Add a page number and date to all the pages in in.pdf using the Courier font, writing to out.pdf

9. Multipage Facilities

    pdftoolkit -twoup-stack in.pdf -o out.pdf

Two up impose the file in.pdf, writing to out.pdf

    pdftoolkit -pad-after 1,3,4 in.pdf -o out.pdf

Add extra blank pages after pages one, three and four of a document.

10. Annotations

    pdftoolkit -list-annotations in.pdf

List the annotations in a file in.pdf to standard output. This might produce:

Annotation text content 1

Annotation text content 2
    pdftoolkit -copy-annotations from.pdf in.pdf -o out.pdf

Copy the annotations from from.pdf to in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.

11. Document Information and Metadata

    pdftoolkit -set-title "The New Title" in.pdf -o out.pdf

Set the document title of in.pdf. writing to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -hide-toolbar true in.pdf -o out.pdf

Set the document in.pdf to open with the Acrobat Viewer's toolbar hidden, writing to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -set-metadata metadata.xml in.pdf -o out.pdf

Set the metadata in a PDF in.pdf to the contents of the file metadata.xml, and write the output to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -set-page-layout TwoColumnRight in.pdf -o out.pdf

Set the document in.pdf to open in Acrobat Viewer showing two columns of pages, starting on the right, putting the result in out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -set-page-mode FullScreen in.pdf -o out.pdf

Set the document in.pdf to open in Acrobat Viewer in full screen mode, putting the result in out.pdf.

12. File Attachments

    pdftoolkit -attach-file sheet.xls in.pdf -o out.pdf

Attach the file sheet.xls to in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -remove-files in.pdf -o out.pdf

Remove any attachments from in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.

13. Miscellaneous

    pdftoolkit -blacktext in.pdf -o out.pdf

Blacken all the text in in.pdf, writing to out.pdf.

    pdftoolkit -thinlines 2pt in.pdf -o out.pdf

Make sure all lines in in.pdf are at least 2 pts wide, writing to out.pdf.

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PDF Toolkit Command Line Tools & Utilities

  • Brand: VeryPDF
  • Product Code: MOD190906123014
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Viewed: 66257
  • Units Sold: 1
  • Sold By: VeryPDF
  • Seller Rating:
  • Seller Reviews: (1)
  • $299.00

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