Photo Watermark Command Line is a very powerful tool for manipulating and combining images. You can use it for resizing, cropping and resizing uploaded images, as well as for adding watermarks to image files.

Photo Watermark Command Line can add digital watermarks to all your images, photos and pictures with the transparency you decide. Ideal for users who want to capture, watermark and share their photographs quickly and easily. With this software, you can simply add your logo watermark to your image files.

Photo Watermark Command Line is a Command Line application, it can be called from PHP using the system or exec function call. You can also run it from command line Windows by manual to batch add watermarks to your image files.

Photo Watermark Command Line is the easiest application to add watermark to your photos to build your brand and protecting your photos online.

Photo Watermark Command Line is the best watermarking software for creating watermarks and watermarking photos. Brand your images before sharing them online. Digitally sign your photos/artwork with logo, signature, trademarks, copyright to claim, secure and maintain your intellectual property and reputation. Adding of timestamp, hashtags and other properties as text watermark. Original photographs are never altered. It let you create a new photograph with watermark on it.

Tips: Don't delete or overwrite original images after watermarking, because you can't remove watermarks from processed images.

Watermarking is the practice of overlaying one image, often with transparent regions or a drop shadow, over a photo to indicate ownership. The images don't have to be the same size or even the same format.

In practice the watermark will often be in PNG format (allowing for alpha-transparency) and the target photo in the common JPEG or PNG format.

The following example will add a text watermark of "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" to an image file,

photo-watermark.exe sample.png -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)" -annotate "350x350+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" _out_sample.png

With Photo Watermark Command Line, you can apply a watermark to a directory of photos easily. To add a watermark to a batch of images we could just repeat the above command line manually for each photo in a directory, but that's not very efficient if you're working with a large number of photos, in this case, we can write a batch command line to "Batch Stamp Image files" easily, for example,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.png) do photo-watermark.exe "%F" -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)" -annotate "350x350+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" "%F"

You can run following command line to batch stamp image files in a folder and its sub-directories,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.png) do photo-watermark.exe "%F" -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)" -annotate "350x350+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" "%F"

The following command lines are more examples to add stamps and watermarks to your image files,

photo-watermark.exe sample.png -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)" -annotate "350x350+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" _out_sample.png

photo-watermark.exe _out_sample.png -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)" -annotate "10x10+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" _out_sample.png

photo-watermark.exe _out_sample.png -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,100,100,0.5)" -annotate "90x90+0+0" "Image Watermark Command Line\nDemo" _out_sample.png

photo-watermark.exe -background "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" -fill white -gravity center -size 1200x30 "" sample2.png +swap -gravity south -composite _out_watermark2.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -background Khaki "" -gravity Center -append _out_watermark3.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -background Orange "label:'" +swap -gravity Center -append _out_watermark4.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -gravity south -stroke "#FF0000" -pointsize 80 -strokewidth 2 -annotate 0 "" -stroke none -fill "#FF00FF" -annotate 0 "" _out_watermark5.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -fill "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)" -draw "rectangle 5,64,620,160" -pointsize 100 -fill white -annotate +10+141 "" _out_watermark6.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -sample "484x727!" _out_sample2_resize1.png
photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -sample "484x727" _out_sample2_resize2.png
photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -resize "484x727!" _out_sample2_resize3.png
photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -resize "484x727" _out_sample2_resize4.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png -rotate 90 _out_rotated_90.jpg

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png ( sample.png -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 60% +channel ) -gravity northwest -geometry +10+10 -composite _out_watermark7.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png ( sample.png -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 60% +channel -resize 200x200 ) -gravity northwest -geometry +10+10 -composite _out_watermark8.png

photo-watermark.exe sample2.png ( logo.png -resize 200x200 -background "rgba(0,0,0,0)" -rotate -30 ) -gravity northwest -geometry +10+10 -composite _out_watermark9.png

photo-watermark.exe logo.png -resize 200x200 -background "rgba(0,0,0,0)" -rotate -30 _new_logo.png
photo-watermark.exe sample2.png _new_logo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +10+10 -composite _out_watermark10.png
photo-watermark.exe _out_watermark10.png _new_logo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +100+100 -composite _out_watermark10.png
photo-watermark.exe _out_watermark10.png _new_logo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +200+200 -composite _out_watermark10.png
photo-watermark.exe _out_watermark10.png _new_logo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +300+100 -composite _out_watermark10.png
photo-watermark.exe _out_watermark10.png _new_logo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +400+200 -composite _out_watermark10.png

photo-watermark.exe sample.png -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -fill "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)" -annotate "350x350+0+0" "%date%\n%time%" _out_watermark11.png

If you have any question for this software, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

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Photo Watermark Command Line

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  • Viewed: 26668
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  • Sold By: BestScripts
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  • $19.95

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