PDF Stamper Command Line is a professional PDF stamp creator or PDF watermark creator, which can help you stamp PDF with images, text, graphic lines and rectangles. With the help of this stamp creator, you can annotate your PDF with custom stamps. PDF Stamper Command Line is a powerful and useful tool which enables you to easily apply company logos, signatures, charts, page numbers, date and time, contact information to the PDF files.

PDF Stamper Command Line is a scriptable .exe utility that automates stamping of PDF documents with single-line or multiple-line verbiage. The application, PDF Stamper Command Line has no graphical user interface, automatically locates all PDF documents in the input directory and its subdirectories, duplicates input subdirectories in output directory, allows assignment of stamp verbiage, stamp location, stamp font, stamp font color, stamp font size and specific point X and Y coordinates.

PDF Stamper Command Line features:
* Create PDF watermark.
* Create PDF stamp.
* Add watermark to PDF files.
* Add watermark to PDF documents.
* Add PDF stamp.
* Add PDF stamp to PDF files.
* Add stamp to PDF documents.
* Stamp PDF file.
* Stamp PDF files.
* Stamp PDF documents.
* Watermark PDF file.
* Watermark PDF files.
* Watermark PDF documents.
* PDF stamper software that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* Software to stamp PDF files that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* PDF watermark creator that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* Software to watermark PDF files that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* Acrobat watermark multiple PDF.
* Scriptable, command line PDF stamper software that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* Scriptable, command line PDF watermarking software that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
* Standalone software, Adobe Acrobat and Reader NOT required!
* Support image stamp (JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, ICO, BMP, JP2, PNM etc. image formats).
* Support text stamp.
* Support line stamp.
* Stamp pages using the standard Base 13 fonts and system fonts.
* Support Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported).
* Top, bottom, vertical center, diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left.
* Support custom image size. No need to adjust the image size in another application before the stamp.
* Support multiple line text stamps within one stamp item.
* Support stamping variables to stamp dynamic data, such as dates, times, page numbers, file names, etc.
* Stamp with overlay or underlay option to the original PDF document page contents.
* Enable you to easily position the stamp in any location on the page.
* Text, Images and lines can be stamped on any angle.
* Any positive or negative numbers, including decimal numbers may be used to specify an angle in degrees.
* Specify page numbers, support first page, last page, even page, odd page, custom page.
* Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area.
* Support links (web links, page link).
* Alignment (when multi text) Left, right, or center.
* Use it on all Windows version including the latest builds of Windows 10.

Command Line Options and Examples:

%text stamp%
%page header and page footer%
%Stamps are placed in the duplicate file, leaving the original copy unchanged%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "1.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t - (\f)" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr50 -mtb-30 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb-30 -AT "2003 VeryUtils Inc.\n\F" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c2666666

%Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "10.pdf" -AT "Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area." -p9 -fs64 -c2666666

%Supports web links%
%Enabling you to easily position the stamp in any location on the page%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "11.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs48 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u "https://veryutils.com" -AT "Enabling you to easily position the stamp\n in any location on the page" -p4 -fs10 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u "https://veryutils.com"

%text rotate and position%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "12.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p1 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p3 -fs48 -c65296 -r45 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p5 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c65296 -r45

%image rotate and position%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "13.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r-45 -mlr-70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r225 -mlr70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r135 -mlr70 -mtb70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r45 -mlr-70 -mtb70

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "14.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296 -r-45 -mtb-100 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c1652962 -r-45 -mtb-200 -mlr50 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c16529621 -r-45 -mtb-300 -mlr100 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296210 -r-45 -mtb-400 -mlr150 -AT "VeryUtils Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165210 -r-45 -mtb-500 -mlr200

%Supports image stamp (JPEG/TIFF images)%
%image zoom%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "15.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p2 -r-45 -mlr80 -mtb200 -w300 -h300 -l

%Supports line stamp%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "16.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr70 -mtb-50 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-70 -mtb-50 -AT "2003 VeryUtils Inc." -p3 -mlr-60 -mtb60 -fs10 -fn300 -c255 -AL -p2 -mtb80 -w80 -AL -p6 -mtb-80 -w80

%Supports links (web links, page link, open file, remote page link).%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "17.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -r15 -u "https://veryutils.com" -AT "Supports page links" -p4 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -go 3 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r15 -l -op "openlink.txt"

%Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range.%
% Every page%
% Default, no parameter -SR.%
% Every odd page%
% e.g. -SR -S-1 -E-1%
% Every even page%
% e.g. -SR -S-2 -E-2%
% First page%
% e.g. -SR -S1 -E1%
% Last page%
% e.g. -SR -S-3 -E-3%
% Define your own page range%
% e.g. -SR -S3 -E2 (from 3 to 4 page.)%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "18.pdf" -SR -s-2 -e-2 -AT "Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range." -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200

pdfstamp -PDFs "%CD%\*.pdf" -o "%CD%\out" -AT "An example for '-PDFS' parameter" -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200

%.Supports Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)%
%.Top, bottom, vertical center, diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left.%
%Supports multiple line text stamps within one stamp item%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "2.pdf" -AT "Sample File\nVeryUtils" -p3 -fn300 -AT "Copyright VeryUtils, Inc." -p6 -c255 -AT "VeryUtils\n Demo" -p9 -fn200 -r-45 -c255 -fs48 -h

%.Grayscale Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)%
%.diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left.%
%Stamp on Top of or Underneath the original PDF document page contents%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "3.pdf" -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -AT "VeryUtils\n Demo" -p9 -r-45 -c13684944 -fs48 -l -fn301

%Supports Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)%
%Stamp on Underneath the original PDF document page contents%
%Text and Image can be stamped on any angle. Any positive or negative numbers, including decimal numbers may be used to specify an angle in degrees%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "4.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -r-20 -c13684944 -fs48 -fn201 -h

%Stamps can be placed in the exact vertical center of a page (or the exact vertical center within a individual stamping space)%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "5.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -c65535 -fn101 -fs48 -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p8 -r90 -fs48 -c12345678 -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p4 -r-90 -fs48 -c12345678

%tridimensional effect%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "6.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mlr1 -mtb1 -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64

%hollow tridimensional effect%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "7.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mtb2 -mlr2 -l -h -AT "VeryUtils.com" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64 -l -h

%Supports image stamp (JPEG/TIFF images)%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "8.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p7 -mlr30 -mtb-30 -AI "logo.jpg" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30

% image stamp%
% vertical center.%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "9.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p4 -r90 -mlr-10 -AI "logo.jpg" -p8 -r-90 -mlr10

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _align-multiple-text-lines.pdf -at "Entity______PIN______\nGLPeriod_________\nGL_______DIM________\nTax Code______________\nService Period__________\nApprover______________Sent____________\n" -ML

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o annotstamp.pdf -annotfile annot.ini

%text stamp%
%page header and page footer%
%Stamps are placed in the duplicate file, leaving the original copy unchanged%
%Bates Numbers%

pdfstamp -PDF "example.pdf" -o "bates-numbers.pdf" -AT "Bates Numbers \B(0000105)" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c#FF0000

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext1.pdf -at VeryUtils -FN201

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext2.pdf -at VeryUtils -FT "Arial,Bold"

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext3.pdf -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Bold" -mlr72 -mtb72 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb172 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb272

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext4.pdf -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial Black" -mlr72 -mtb72 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb172 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb272 -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext5.pdf -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Bold,Italic" -P1 -mlr10 -FS8 -unicode -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Italic" -P1 -mlr80 -FS8 -unicode -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial Black,Italic" -P1 -mlr160 -FS8 -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-1.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "SimSun" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-2.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "SimHei" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-3.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "MingLiU" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-4.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "PMingLiU" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-5.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o embed-font-test.pdf -at "\n\n\n\nMME LUCIE TOUCHET\n3 IMPASSE DE LA POSTE\n41800 FONTAINE LES COTEAUX\n---------\n\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5\n---------\n\x3041\x3037\x30C7\x3081\x308F\x30E7\n---------\n\xB636\xB625\xB5A0\xB1EC" -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -C#FF0000 -unicode

%test new layer%
%test opacity function%
%test lineex function%
%test rectangle function%
%test encryption function%
REM For Example:
REM -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=1 -encryption=3900
REM -openpwd [string] : Set 'open password' to PDF file
REM -ownerpwd [string] : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
REM -keylen [int] : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
REM -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
REM -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
REM -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
REM -encryption [int] : Restrictions
REM -encryption 0: Encrypt the file only
REM -encryption 3900: Deny anything
REM -encryption 4: Deny printing
REM -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
REM -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
REM -encryption 32: No commenting
REM ===128 bit encryption only -] ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
REM -encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields
REM -encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj
REM -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
REM -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
REM -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryUtils New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "encryption.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900

%test new layer%
%test opacity function%
%test lineex function%
%test rectangle function%
%test encryption function%
REM For Example:
REM -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=1 -encryption=3900
REM -openpwd [string] : Set 'open password' to PDF file
REM -ownerpwd [string] : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
REM -keylen [int] : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
REM -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
REM -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
REM -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
REM -encryption [int] : Restrictions
REM -encryption 0: Encrypt the file only
REM -encryption 3900: Deny anything
REM -encryption 4: Deny printing
REM -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
REM -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
REM -encryption 32: No commenting
REM ===128 bit encryption only -] ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
REM -encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields
REM -encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj
REM -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
REM -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
REM -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "encryption2.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd= -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "_encryption2.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o euro-test-1.pdf -at "\x40\xA9\xAE\xBC\xBD\xBE\xE5\xA3\xA5\xE6\xC6" -FT "arial"

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o euro-test-2.pdf -at "Price:\xA3##199.95" -FT "arial"

imgconv.exe VeryUtils.png -gravity Center -pointsize 200 -fill "rgba(255,0,0,0.3)" -annotate 315x315+0+0 "VeryUtils\nUnofficial-Internal Use\nonly" _VeryUtils.png

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o D:\out.pdf -at "\x5F00\x53D1\x7968\x4E13\x7528" -P9 -FS120 -opacity20 -C#FF0000 -R45 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Japan-test-1.pdf -at "\x3041\x3037\x30C7\x3081\x308F\x30E7" -FT "MS Gothic" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Japan-test-2.pdf -at "\x3041\x3037\x30C7\x3081\x308F\x30E7" -FT "MS PMincho" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Japan-test-3.pdf -at "\x3041\x3037\x30C7\x3081\x308F\x30E7" -FT "MS PMincho" -unicode -MLR100 -MTB100

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Korea-test-1.pdf -at "\xB450\xCE20\xFA0A\x3200\x3185\x3180\xB290" -FT "Batang" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Korea-test-2.pdf -at "\xB636\xB625\xB5A0\xB1EC" -FT "Gulim" -unicode

%test new layer%
%test opacity function%
%test lineex function%
%test rectangle function%

pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryUtils New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "newlayer.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200

%test new layer%
%test opacity function%
%test lineex function%
%test rectangle function%

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "opacity.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Opacity" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -C#FF0000 -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200

pdfstamp -REG "16 byte register code"

%test new layer%
%test opacity function%
%test lineex function%
%test rectangle function%

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "test_1.pdf" -o "_test_1.pdf" -repairpdf -AT "VeryUtils Opacity" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -C#FF0000 -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW60 -opacity60 -C#0000FF -LINEEX 100,100,2000,2000 -AL -LW60 -opacity60 -C#00FF00 -LINEEX 100,2000,2000,100

REM Please install FRE3OF9X.TTF and FREE3OF9.TTF TrueType fonts into Windows system first

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "pdftest.pdf" -o "test-pdftest-barcode.pdf" -at 1234567890 -ft "Free 3 of 9" -embedfont

REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"
REM -al -lineex 100,100,200,200 -LW10
REM -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line1.pdf -al -lineex 100,100,200,200 -LW10 -C#FF0000

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line2.pdf -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -C#00FF00

REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"
REM -al -rect "X1, Y1, X2, Y2, LineThickness, Color"

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-rect.pdf -al -rect "100,100,200,200,10,255"

REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"

pdfstamp.exe -PDF example.pdf -o _stamp-text-background.pdf -AT "Approved by Steve Connelly" -P1 -MLR20 -MTB20 -C16711680 -Opacity80 -al -rect "20,20,210,40,1,255"

REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"
REM -SR -RS4 -E2, Start Page is: Last Page-4, Page Count is 2

pdfstamp.exe -PDF example.pdf -o _stamp-text-from-last-page.pdf -AT "Approved by Steve Connelly" -P1 -MLR20 -MTB20 -C16711680 -Opacity80 -al -rect "20,20,210,40,1,255" -SR -RS4 -E2

REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"

pdfstamp.exe -PDF example.pdf -o _stamp-text-pagerange.pdf -AT "Approved by Steve Connelly" -P1 -MLR20 -MTB20 -C16711680 -Opacity80 -al -rect "20,20,210,40,1,255" -SR -S3 -E99999

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "dynamic_text.pdf" -o "_dynamic_text.pdf" -at "(\t)(\d)(\D)(\p)(\c)(\A)(\S)(\T)\n(\f)\n(\F)\n(\e)\n(\E)"

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "crashed_example.pdf" -o "_crashed_example_encryption2.pdf" -AT "VeryUtils Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=1 -encryption=3900

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "test_page.pdf" -o "_test_page_hollow-out-txt.pdf" -at "EOL\n\x4E2D\x6587\x65E5\x6587\x7E41\x4F53\n\d\n\t" -MC -P9 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity60 -FS48 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -H

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "test_stamp_overlay.pdf" -o "_out_test_stamp_overlay.pdf" -repairpdf -AT "EXPIRE\n\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D\n\d\n\t\n" -MC -P9 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#0000ff -opacity30 -FS48 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "test_stamp_overlay.pdf" -o "_out_more_stamps_0.pdf" -repairpdf -AT "P1\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P1 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p2\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P2 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p3\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P3 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p4\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P4 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p5\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P5 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p6\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P6 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p7\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P7 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "p8\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P8 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "P9\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D" -MC -P9 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "test_stamp_overlay.pdf" -o "_out_more_stamps_1.pdf" -repairpdf -AT "\x6B63\x5F0F\x6587\x4EF6" -MC -P1 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R0 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "\x6B63\x5F0F\x6587\x4EF6\n\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D\n\d\n\t" -MC -P9 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R0 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

pdfstamp.exe -pdf "test_stamp_overlay.pdf" -o "_out_more_stamps_3.pdf" -repairpdf -AT "\x6B63\x5F0F\x6587\x4EF6" -MC -P1 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode -AT "\x6B63\x5F0F\x6587\x4EF6\n\x7A0B\x5C1A\x8F1D\n\d\n\t" -MC -P9 -MLR0 -MTB0 -R45 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS32 -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode

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%undo stamp%
pdfstamp -PDF "16.pdf" -o undo.pdf -SU


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