VeryUtils StampPDF Batch Command Line supports High Volume Stamping and Customization of PDF Files.
Does your company need to add watermark to a large number of PDF documents in an unattended or server environments? if yes, StampPDF Batch Command Line software is a good choice to you. With StampPDF Batch Command Line software, you can add custom text, images, watermarks, etc. elements to PDF documents in a batch processing mode.
StampPDF Batch Command Line software is used in many industries, including:
- by manufacturers for document processing;
- by publishers for pre-publication review;
- by law firms to add Bates numbering;
- by Government agencies and Courts to certify electronic submission date and time, as part of a Social DRM process;
- by any organization that needs to dynamically personalize documents;
- and more.
StampPDF Batch Command Line is a powerful server-based application designed for high-volume, unattended and mission-critical on-demand environments.
VeryUtils StampPDF Batch Command Line features:
* Stamping & Watermarking with StampPDF Batch Command Line software.
* Apply copyright notices, disclaimers or other text in your choice of font, point size and color.
* Place multi-line stamps, specify lines, line-breaks, precise location and rotate text stamps to any angle.
* Stamp JPEG, TIFF or PDF files; resize, scale and position them precisely.
* Specify transparency level for stamped text or images.
* Automatic placement based on page size.
* Automatic placement based on page diagonals; for example, top-left to bottom-right.
* Remove stamps that are no longer needed as documents move through the workflow.
* Autoscale Text Size to fit to the page size, by percentage of the page size.
* Use over 30 built-in stamping variables, including file and path name, document information, page, Bates numbers, and date and time in a variety of formats.
* Apply consecutive Bates numbering across multiple files.
* Stamp invisible text on documents (invisible text can be indexed by search engines).
* Supports Unicode.
* Supports TrueType and OpenType fonts.
* Supports Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) fonts.
* Includes new document information, including title, subject, keywords, date or other metadata, in PDF document Information fields and in XML via the eXtensible Metadata Platform (XMP).
* Apply 40-bit or 128-bit file encryption to your stamped documents using owner and user passwords to control access and ability to modify the document.
* Supports 256 bit AES security.
* Linearize PDF files for network and web-server deployment via Fast Web View.
* Optimize output files to reduce file size.
* Maintain the same PDF version number as the input file.
You may download the trial version of StampPDF Batch Command Line from this web page to try,
PDFStamp Command Line Command Line Examples:
//Transparent function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "opacity.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF Opacity" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -C#FF0000 -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200
//New layer function
pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "newlayer.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200
//Encryption function
pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "encryption.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900
//Bates Number function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "bates-numbers.pdf" -AT "Bates Numbers \B(0000105)" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c#FF0000
//PDFS function, batch stamping
pdfstamp.exe -PDFs "C:\*.pdf" -o "C:\out" -AT "An example for '-PDFS' parameter" -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200
//Page range function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "18.pdf" -SR -s-2 -e-2 -AT "Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range." -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200
//Link function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "17.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -r15 -u "" -AT "Supports page links" -p4 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -go 3 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r15 -l -op "openlink.txt"
//Line function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "16.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr70 -mtb-50 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-70 -mtb-50 -AT "2003 Inc." -p3 -mlr-60 -mtb60 -fs10 -fn300 -c255 -AL -p2 -mtb80 -w80 -AL -p6 -mtb-80 -w80
//Image stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "15.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p2 -r-45 -mlr80 -mtb200 -w300 -h300 -l
//Text stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "14.pdf" -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296 -r-45 -mtb-100 -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c1652962 -r-45 -mtb-200 -mlr50 -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c16529621 -r-45 -mtb-300 -mlr100 -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296210 -r-45 -mtb-400 -mlr150 -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165210 -r-45 -mtb-500 -mlr200
//Image rotation and position
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "13.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r-45 -mlr-70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r225 -mlr70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r135 -mlr70 -mtb70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r45 -mlr-70 -mtb70
//Text rotate and position
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "12.pdf" -AT " Inc." -p1 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT " Inc." -p3 -fs48 -c65296 -r45 -AT " Inc." -p5 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT " Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c65296 -r45
//Web links
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "11.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs48 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u "" -AT "Enabling you to easily position the stamp\n in any location on the page" -p4 -fs10 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u ""
//Wrap text to a new line if it too long to fit in its margined area
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "10.pdf" -AT "Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area." -p9 -fs64 -c2666666
//Image stamp, vertical center
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "9.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p4 -r90 -mlr-10 -AI "logo.jpg" -p8 -r-90 -mlr10
//Image stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "8.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p7 -mlr30 -mtb-30 -AI "logo.jpg" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30
//hollow tridimensional effect
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "7.pdf" -AT "" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mtb2 -mlr2 -l -h -AT "" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64 -l -h
//tridimensional effect
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "6.pdf" -AT "" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mlr1 -mtb1 -AT "" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64
//Stamps can be placed in the exact vertical center of a page (or the exact vertical center within a individual stamping space)
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "5.pdf" -AT "" -p9 -c65535 -fn101 -fs48 -AT "" -p8 -r90 -fs48 -c12345678 -AT "" -p4 -r-90 -fs48 -c12345678
//Test Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Place stamp under original PDF page contents
//Text and Image can be stamped at any angle, any positive or negative numbers, including decimal numbers may be used to specify an angle in degrees
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "4.pdf" -AT "" -p9 -r-20 -c13684944 -fs48 -fn201 -h
//Grayscale Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Stamp at topmost or bottommost of the original PDF page contents
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "3.pdf" -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -AT "\n Demo" -p9 -r-45 -c13684944 -fs48 -l -fn301
//Test Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Top, bottom, vertical center, diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left
//Test multiple line text stamps within one stamp item
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "2.pdf" -AT "Sample File\nVeryPDF" -p3 -fn300 -AT "Copyright, Inc." -p6 -c255 -AT "\n Demo" -p9 -fn200 -r-45 -c255 -fs48 -h
//Text stamp
//page header and page footer
//Stamps are placed in the duplicate file, leaving the original copy unchanged
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "1.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t - (\f)" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr50 -mtb-30 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb-30 -AT "2003 Inc.\n\F" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c2666666
//Register PDFStamp Command Line
pdfstamp.exe -REG "Your registration key"