How to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files without require MS Word application?

How to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files without require MS Word application installed in your system?

If you want to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files, and your system hasn't MS Word installed, this article will useful to you.

How to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files without require MS Word application?

Please by following steps to convert from DOC files to DOCX files without depend on MS Word application.

Step 1.

Please download "VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" from this web page,

You can use "VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" to convert from DOC files to HTML files first, you can use following command lines to convert from a DOC file to HTML file,

doc2any.exe -nooffice "D:\Downloads\test.doc" "D:\Downloads\test.html"

doc2any.exe application can parse DOC format directly and without require MS Word installed in your system.

Step 2.

Please download "ConvertDoc Command Line for Windows" from this web page, "ConvertDoc Command Line" software can be used to convert from HTML files to DOCX files,

After you download "ConvertDoc Command Line" software, you can run following command line to convert from HTML file to DOCX file,

ConvertDoc.exe -s -o "D:\Downloads\test.docx" "D:\Downloads\test.html"

"VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" and "ConvertDoc Command Line" are all standalone software, they are not depend on any other third-party software, such as MS Word and other applications.

If you want to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files, and without a license for MS Office application, above solution will useful to you.

btw, "ConvertDoc Command Line" software supports lots of input and output formats, the following are all input and output formats which supported by "ConvertDoc Command Line" software,

Support input formats:
* commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
* creole (Creole 1.0)
* csv (CSV table)
* docbook (DocBook)
* docx (Word docx)

* dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
* epub (EPUB)
* fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
* gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported in gfm.
* haddock (Haddock markup)
* html (HTML)
* ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
* jats (JATS XML)
* jira (Jira wiki markup)
* json (JSON version of native AST)
* latex (LaTeX)
* markdown (ConvertDoc's Markdown)
* markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
* markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
* markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
* mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
* man (roff man)
* muse (Muse)
* native (native Haskell)
* odt (ODT)
* opml (OPML)
* org (Emacs Org mode)
* rst (reStructuredText)
* t2t (txt2tags)
* textile (Textile)
* tikiwiki (TikiWiki markup)
* twiki (TWiki markup)
* vimwiki (Vimwiki)

Support output formats:
* asciidoc (AsciiDoc) or asciidoctor (AsciiDoctor)
* beamer (LaTeX beamer slide show)
* commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
* context (ConTeXt)
* docbook or docbook4 (DocBook 4)
* docbook5 (DocBook 5)
* docx (Word docx)
* dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
* epub or epub3 (EPUB v3 book)
* epub2 (EPUB v2)
* fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
* gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported in gfm.
* haddock (Haddock markup)
* html or html5 (HTML, i.e. HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup)
* html4 (XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
* icml (InDesign ICML)
* ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
* jats_archiving (JATS XML, Archiving and Interchange Tag Set)
* jats_articleauthoring (JATS XML, Article Authoring Tag Set)
* jats_publishing (JATS XML, Journal Publishing Tag Set)
* jats (alias for jats_archiving)
* jira (Jira wiki markup)
* json (JSON version of native AST)
* latex (LaTeX)
* man (roff man)
* markdown (ConvertDoc's Markdown)
* markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
* markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
* markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
* mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
* ms (roff ms)
* muse (Muse)
* native (native Haskell),
* odt (OpenOffice text document)
* opml (OPML)
* opendocument (OpenDocument)
* org (Emacs Org mode)
* pdf (PDF)
* plain (plain text),
* pptx (PowerPoint slide show)
* rst (reStructuredText)
* rtf (Rich Text Format)
* texinfo (GNU Texinfo)
* textile (Textile)
* slideous (Slideous HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* slidy (Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* dzslides (DZSlides HTML5 + JavaScript slide show),
* revealjs (reveal.js HTML5 + JavaScript slide show)
* s5 (S5 HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* tei (TEI Simple)
* xwiki (XWiki markup)
* zimwiki (ZimWiki markup)
* the path of a custom Lua writer, see Custom writers below

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