XPS to PDF Converter SDK for x64 system
Native XPS editing, conversion and manipulation for your applications. The XPS
to PDF Converter SDK gives you the ability to process XPS files and convert XPS
files to PDF files from your application. XPS to PDF Converter SDK is a Pure
64bit DLL Library for Windows, so you can integrate it into C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET,
C/C++ and other program languages easily.
Native XPS to PDF Conversion processing, fast and precise.
Our XPS to PDF Converter library runs at optimum native speed. We went to great
lengths to make sure that the library processes XPS quickly and efficiently. By
optimizing our XML parsing for XPS, and by ensuring that the library only
processes relevant parts of the XPS, we prevent unnecessary work and ensure
optimum speed.
The XPS to PDF Converter library provides an api that allows very precise and
very focused operations on the XPS to PDF conversion. Via our api you can batch
convert XPS files ot PDF files easily. XPS to PDF Converter SDK is a standalone
library, it doesn't depend on any other applications and libraries, such as, it
doesn't require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader or XPS Reader installed in your
system in order to get it work.
Convert XPS to PDF, PDF/A, SVG & TIFF.
Use the library to convert your XPS files to PDF, SVG or TIFF for further
processing. Our PDF & SVG conversion generates high quality, optimized, vector
based files.
Our conversion is done without going over GDI, nor via a printer driver. You can
convert directly from within your C/C++ or .NET application, via a single
function call.
Cross platform freedom (Mac and Linux versions are available upon request).
XPS to PDF Converter library is not tied to a specific operating system. Our
library runs on both Mac OS X and Windows, and is a fully independent
implementation that has no dependency on a specific underlying application
deployment platform.
We focus on XPS, so you can focus on your business.
XPS is an exciting new development, and you should take advantage of this in
your applications. But that doesn't mean you need to implement the specification
and rendering capabilities from the ground up. Rely on our tried and tested XPS
to PDF Converter technology. We offer very competitive and flexible licensing
schemes, giving you the opportunity to start offering quality XPS support in
your applications, today.
Convert XPS file. Using XPS to PDF Converter SDK, it is possible to
convert XPS files to a variety of other formats.
* xps to bmp (Windows bitmap)
* xps to gif (Compuserve graphics interchange)
* xps to jpg (JPEG compliant image)
* xps to oeb (Open eBook File)
* xps to pcx (Paintbrush Bitmap Image)
* xps to pdf (Portable Document Format)
* xps to png (Portable Network Graphic)
* xps to tiff (Tagged image file format)
* xps to thumbnail (Thumbnail image)
C++ Example to call XPS to PDF Converter SDK for x64 system,
#include [windows.h]
#include [stdio.h]
#include [string]
#include [vector]
using namespace std;
void GetModulePath(char *lpOutPath, char *lpInFileName)
char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
char dir[_MAX_DIR];
char fname[_MAX_PATH];
char ext[_MAX_EXT];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, lpOutPath, 256);
_splitpath(lpOutPath, drive, dir, fname, ext );
_makepath(lpOutPath, drive, dir, lpInFileName, "");
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *VeryPDFXPS2PDFConverterFunc)(char *lpXPSFile, char *lpPDFFile,
char *lpOptions);
typedef void (__stdcall *VeryPDFXPS2PDFSetCodeFunc)(const char *lpRegcode);
VeryPDFXPS2PDFConverterFunc lpVeryPDFXPS2PDFConverter = NULL;
BOOL XPS2PDFConverterSDK(const char *lpszLicenseKey, char *lpXPSFile, char *lpPDFFile,
char *lpOptions)
if(lpXPSFile == NULL || lpXPSFile[0] == 0)
return FALSE;
if(lpPDFFile == NULL || lpPDFFile[0] == 0)
return FALSE;
char szPath[_MAX_PATH];
HINSTANCE hXPS2PDFSDK = LoadLibrary(szPath);
return FALSE;
lpVeryPDFXPS2PDFConverter =
== NULL)
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
if(lpszLicenseKey &&
lpszLicenseKey[0] != 0)
int nResult =
lpVeryPDFXPS2PDFConverter(lpXPSFile, lpPDFFile, lpOptions);
return nResult;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc != 3)
printf("Usage: [input XPS file] [output PDF file]\n");
return 0;
string strLicenseKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
int nRet = 0;
nRet =
XPS2PDFConverterSDK(strLicenseKey.c_str(), argv[1], argv[2], NULL);
printf("nRet = %d\n",nRet);
return nRet;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
return main(__argc,__argv);
What's the XPS format?
Open XML Paper Specification known as XPS consists of structured XML markup that
determnes the layout and visual appearance of each page within the document. The
markup language is a subset of XAML which allows it to incorporate
vector-graphics in documents. Microsoft developed XPS with the intention of
creating an alternative to PDF.
An XPS file is a unicode ZIP archive which use the Open Packging Conventions and
contain the files which make up the document. The files includes are an XML
markup file, text, embedded fonts, raster images, 2D vector graphics and any DRM
(Digital Rights Management) information. These contents can be reviewed by
opening in an application that supports ZIP files.
XPS To PDF SDK - XPS Converter, XPS to PDF, XPS Tools
XPS, expanded as XML Paper Specification, is a page description language that
can describe an individual document, which contains multiple pages. XPS to PDF
is a great SDK that supports converting your XPS documents effectively, into PDF
format files. XPS to PDF facilitates the conversion of Microsoft XPS documents
into well-known PDF format files without sacrificing content while giving
quality output. It is capable of generating optimized, high quality, and
vector-based PDF format files as output out without going over GDI, or going
through PDF printer driver.
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