IconFont: 2100+ free icons to spice up your creative designs
We are here to elevate your designs with thousands of free icons sorted in
different categories with smart technologies for smoother usage.
Icons are marched with rich categories unleashing you the best ever experience
of finding your desired icons among the 2100+ icons, sorted in 30 categories.
Font & SVG Format
The new IconFont empowers limitless urges to fulfill the user need, along with
that now you can enjoy the upperhand to choose whether you want to download the
icon in SVG or in Font format.
Not only that, you can also drive home with the both the format.
30 Categories: Ditch the mismatch. Icons are well mastered with IcoFont’s
versatile 29 different categories.
For Web & Desktop: Modish, grand, and just awesome icons all in one both
for the web and desktop platforms.
Amazing Icons: Most visually impressive, re-designed with utter
competency. This is a new set of fantastic icons.
01 Icon Sizes
Use the icofont-xs, icofont-sm, icofont-md, icofont-lg or
icofont-2x, icofont-3x ... icofont-10x classes to resize the icons to
their relative containers
[i class="icofont-dart icofont-1x"][/i]
[i class="icofont-dart icofont-2x"][/i]
[i class="icofont-dart icofont-3x"][/i]
[i class="icofont-dart icofont-4x"][/i]
[i class="icofont-dart icofont-5x"][/i]
02 List Icons
To replace the bullets in unordered lists, use the icofont-ul class.
[ul className="icofont-ul"]
[li][span class="icofont-server"][/span] List Item 1[/li]
[li][span class="icofont-clock-time"][/span] List Item 2[/li]
[li][span className="icofont-plus"][/span] List Item 3[/li]
03 Flip & Rotate
Use the icofont-rotate-* or icofont-flip-* class to arbitrarily rotate or flip
[i class="icofont-arrow-right icofont-rotate-90"][/i]
[i class="icofont-arrow-right icofont-rotate-180"][/i]
[i class="icofont-arrow-right icofont-rotate-270"][/i]
[i class="icofont-arrow-right icofont-flip-horizontal"][/i]
[i class="icofont-arrow-right icofont-flip-vertical"][/i]
- Product Code: MOD190305213522
- Availability: In Stock
- Viewed: 10880
- Units Sold: 1
- Sold By: Web & App Design Studio
- Seller Reviews: (0)
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Tags: iconfont, icofont, icon truetype font, truetype font, ttf icon