VeryUtils PDF Viewer OCX is a standalone embeddable PDF Viewer OCX for Windows developers

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX v4.0
Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX is PDF Viewer SDK, fast open PDF file, support PDF Printing, searching the text with C++ , C#, VB.Net , VB6, Delphi, Vfp, MS Access. PDF Viewer OCX is the best PDF reader, helps you view, print, search keywords on PDF pages securely. You can zoom in, zoom out and rotate PDF pages. Besides, the navigation panes including Bookmarks, Thumbnails, etc. make it easy to use.

VeryUtils PDF Viewer OCX is a standalone embeddable PDF Viewer OCX for Windows developers. Windows developers can build a customer interface for viewing/printing pdf documents using Visual Basic, VC, Delphi or any other programming languages which support ActiveX controls. PDF documents can be loaded from Streams or disk files. If you need to embed a PDF Viewer Control into your Windows application, VeryUtils PDF Viewer ActiveX control will be a best choice to you.

VeryUtils PDF Viewer OCX is a standalone embeddable PDF Viewer OCX for Windows developers

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX Highlight Features:
* Support very fast open PDF.
* Support go to specific page when open multipage PDF file.
* Support open protected PDF file.
* Support zoom in and zoom out the PDF file with good quality.
* Support searching the text on multipage PDF file.
* Support export the pages or specific page to bitmap files and scale the to specific size.
* Support Print a PDF with Print Dialog.
* Support Print a PDF, select Print, set Page Range, Page Orientation programmatically.
* Support Get the default Printer Name.
* Support Print event, you will know how many pages printed and when is finished.
* Support Rotate at specific degree of PDF.
* Support view Unicode content, including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Hebrew.
* Provide User Define Display Area.
* User Define Zoom in or Zoom out value.
* Include C# 2019, C# 2010, VB.NET 2019, VB.Net 2010, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script (vbs), Visual C/C++, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, Access, Web Page Sample Code.
* Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C/C++, Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.).
* Royalty free distribution of the OCX file.
* Every PDF viewing or Full-screen viewing.
* Select a certain page or range of pages for viewing.
* View PDF files inside Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome as long as it supports OCX/ActiveX control.
* Zoom in and out with any PDF file with handy keyboard shortcuts or typical mouse-based controls.
* Quickly and simply rotate any page by 90 degrees.
* Simply use the keyboard shortcut or click in the Find box to search for any word or phrase.
* Provide intelligent display panes, including Pages, Bookmarks, etc.

Welcome use PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX Control, this SDK ActiveX Control for c#, Visual Basic VB.Net, Visual FoxPro ,Delphi, Visual C++, .Net and Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX. The PDF Viewer ActiveX control requires the following minimum configuration:

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP or Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

With PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX Control let your application support display mulitpage PDF, go to specific page, Rotate at any degree, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Print the PDF. Export each page to Bitmap file and Scale to specific size and search the text and highlight match the text.

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX Control Reference:
BOOL OpenPDF(LPCTSTR lpszPDFFile, LPCTSTR lpszUserPwd, LPCTSTR lpszOwnerPwd);
void ClosePDF();
long RunCommand(long nCode, long nPara1, long nPara2, long nPara3);
void SetFindText(LPCTSTR lpszFindText);
void SetViewMode(long nViewMode);
void RotateViewLeft();
void RotateViewRight();
void ViewNextPage();
void ViewPreviousPage();
void ViewFirstPage();
void ViewLastPage();
void ViewPage();
void FindPreviousText();
void FindNextText();
void ZoomFitPage();
void ZoomActualPage();
void ZoomFitWidth();
void Zoom(float nZoom);
void ViewModeSinglePage();
void ViewModeFacing();
void ViewModeContinuous();
void ViewModeContinuousFacing();
void ShowHideBookmarks();
void SetRegCode(LPCTSTR lpszRegCode);
void ZoomIn();
void ZoomOut();
void ViewGotoPage(long nPageIndex);
long SetGotoPageNumber(long nPageIndex);
long GetCurrentPage();
long GetPageTotalCount();
float GetCurrentZoom();
void SetMsgCallbackWnd(long hMsgWnd);
long FlattenPDF(LPCTSTR lpszInPDF, LPCTSTR lpszOutPDF);
BOOL EnableAnnotations(BOOL bEnable);
BOOL OpenPDFFromMem(long lpPDFData, long nPDFDataLen, LPCTSTR lpszUserPwd, LPCTSTR lpszOwnerPwd);
long EnableLaunchLink(long bEnable);
long EnableMouseWhellInFacingMode(long bEnable);
long GetScrollBar();
void ViewModeBook();
long ShowScrollBar(BOOL bShow);
BOOL IsScrollBarShown();
long ShowContextMenu(BOOL bShow);
BOOL IsContextMenuShown();
void AboutBox();

If you have any question for this product, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

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