PDF Software

PDF Viewer for WordPress Plugin

PDF Viewer for WordPress is the best PDF Reader plugin for WordPress. With this plugin, you can display and embed PDF Files of your WordPress Website very easily with a feature rich and nice PDF Reader.

PDF ViewerJS must be the easiest way to use presentations, spreadsheets, PDF's and other documents on your website or blog without any external dependencies. No tricks, no conversions, no unexpected downtime from external services, and no plugins required. It happens to work just fine in all major browsers today from the comfort of your own webserver. Download and unpack on your webserver and add one small text snippet to your webpages.

That is it: PDF ViewerJS does the rest.

Do you need to show documents on your site, company blog, intranet or in a web app? And you want something robust that will still work in five years, can work offline, doesn't depend on any third party services or might be (perceived as) invasive to the privacy of your users? If you are considering using hosted online tools like Crocodoc, Docstock, Zoho, Google Apps, or Microsoft Office 365 (all trademarks, no doubt), check out PDF ViewerJS, it probably fits your needs better. (If not, let us know, if it does, let us know too.) You can even give presentations directly from the browser, so it provides a great backup for uncomfortable swapping of USB sticks with slides when giving a talk.

PDF ViewerJS can already natively show both PDF files and many types of Office files stored in OpenDocument Format, the open standard for office documents. ODF is available by default in almost any modern office applications such as Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice and Calligra Suite. Because it is built on modern web technologies, PDF ViewerJS understands embedded fonts, so your documents look pretty everywhere.


PDF ViewerJS is a best document viewer that enables embedded display of ODF or PDF files directly in webpages, without any external server dependencies, just done with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses WebODF to display files in the OpenDocument format and PDF.js for files in the PDF format. This is a combination of WebODF and PDF.js functions.

Deploying and using PDF ViewerJS with your webpages can be done in a few minutes, it's very easy.

WebODF is a great JavaScript library to add Open Document Format (ODF) support to your website and to your mobile or desktop applications. It uses HTML and CSS to display ODF documents.

PDF ViewerJS WordPress Plugin supports ODF (Open Document, using WebODF) and PDF document formats.

What is PDF Viewer for WordPress?
PDF Viewer for WordPress is a simple WordPress plugin that Provides a nice interface to view pdf files on your site. Now you can embed pdf files with a nice viewer directly on any page/post of your WordPress website. Also, It comes with another shortcode with that you can allow a particular pdf file open with the viewer.

This is a great & useful plugin if you want to display pdf files of your site with a nice viewer like Acrobat reader. It comes with page navigation, Download, Presentation mode & lot more cool tools.


  • Automatically find pdf links & activate viewer if you choose that option.
  • Fully Customizable PDF Viewer. Customize the colors of viewer to match with your sites color combination.
  • Embed pdf with a feature rich viewer on WordPress page/post.
  • Brand viewer with you own logo (Customized version).
  • Logo links to homepage of your site.
  • Shortcodes with more parameters.
  • Shortcode for viewing pdf file on any post/page.
  • Shortcode to add a text link to your pdf file on any post/page.
  • Fully Responsive PDF viewer.
  • Style & Customize all the single items.
  • Compatible with Internet Explorer & most browsers.
  • Fast & smooth user experience.
  • Retain Image Quality.
  • No Third Party links, install the viewer on your website.
  • No Limitation of PDF size.
  • It uses jQuery to replace url's automatically which won't effect on your Site's SEO if you use the plugin on old site.
  • It also has 2 Display Mode Full screen and Embed.
  • PDF Embed is fully responsive as you can set the width in % as well as in pixel. Only height required to be in pixel.
  • Compatible with all modern browser ex. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Latest version IE, Safari etc..
  • Let your user see the PDF document in presentation mode.

Embed PDF in WordPress
You can embed a PDF either in a WordPress post or page or a custom post type through a shortcode. You can set the PDF to occupy the full width of your page, or embed the PDF in a size of your choice.

The rendered PDFs are responsive. On changing the screen size, PDF will be resized automatically.

View Secured PDF File
You can secure your PDF so that users are forced to come to your website to see the PDF. Even if a user manages to download the PDF, he cannot open it because it is password protected.

How does that (view password protected PDF files) work?
You password protect the PDF file, and allow the plugin to open it with a special key. The plugin uses this key to decrypt the password of the PDF, and open it. All this happens internally. We have made a special application in our website where you can get a secure key for your PDF, please feel free to contact us for more information about this feature.

Full-Screen Mode
There is a full-screen option available in the plugin, which enables the PDF to seen in full screen of the browser. The user will have no trouble in reading the PDF.

Download the PDF
The user can download the PDF by a click of a button. You can even choose to hide the download button, if you don't want the user to download the PDF.

Next and Prev Buttons to Navigate Pages of the PDF
The user can go through the PDF by clicking on a "Next Page" & "Previous Page" button. He can also use keyboard arrow keys to navigate the PDF. (top & left key to go to the previous page, down & right key to go to the next page).

Embed Any Number of PDFs in a Single Page
There is no limit on the no of PDFs that you can embed in a single post or page.

jQuery / Javascript Plugin
A responsive jQuery / Javascript plugin is also available with the same features as this plugin.


== Usage ==

Navigate to a Document file (ODF or PDF) in your WP blog's media library and press the button "Insert with ViewerJS".

Alternatively you can manually insert the WordPress shortcode `[viewerjs2 /path-to-some-file.pdf]` to embed any `*.pdf`, `*.odt`, `*.odp`, or `*.ods` documents at that location. (please change from viewerjs2 to viewerjs)

The plugin also provides a settings panel for adjusting the width and height of the embedded element (iframe).

== Installation ==

1. Upload the whole `PDF ViewerJS-plugin` directory and content to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

PDF Software

How to use PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Maker software?


I want to buy this software for conversions to html5 and upload the final files onto my server for secure access.


Please clarify how the output files can be access on ios and Android Apps.

Hello Again,

Do you have a trial version of the html5 flipbook conversion software?

If so, kindly share the download link.

Is there a trial version of the PDF to HTML5 Flipbook maker?
If so, kindly share the link for trial before I make the purchase.


Thanks - I got up to that point ( see attached). However, which is the installation icon?

I am taking about the software for conversion.

If it is a cloud based conversion, then share the URL as I think what you have shared is a sample output which can be uploaded onto the server.

I am looking for the conversion software or if cloud, the respective URL link.


Thanks for your message, you may download the trial version of PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line from following web page directly,


If you encounter any problem with this demo version, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

Thank you.


You can run a CMD window, then you can run following command line in this CMD window to convert from PDF file to Flipbook files easily,

pdf2flip.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX D:\in.pdf D:\out\

You can also call pdf2flip.exe from your PHP and C# source code, when a user upload a PDF file, your application will call pdf2flip.exe to convert this PDF file to Flipbook files quickly.

btw, after you purchase the software, I can also provide a PHP example to you, you can use this PHP to call pdf2flip.exe to convert user uploaded PDF files to HTML5 Flipbook files quickly.

On this web page, you can click "Preview" tab to test a demo Flipbook online,


Hello Frank,

My expectation was some exe application which I install on my laptop , import the pdf file then it generated a package which I upload onto my server.

Is that what I will get when I purchase?

Yes, you are right.

You can run pdf2flip.exe in your laptop to convert PDF files to Flipbook files first, and then upload converted Flipbook files to your server, your customers will able to view the converted Flipbook files online easily.


And the Trial version of pdf2flip.exe is what am looking for so I try the demo before I purchase.

Where is the link to download pdf2flip.exe?

You can place your own watermark during the Trial period till I purchase then have the licence so no need of a watermark.



Thanks for your message, you can download pdf-to-html5-flipbook.zip from this web page,


after you download and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to convert your PDF file to Flipbook files,

pdf2flip.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX D:\in.pdf D:\out\

"XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" is your license key, after you purchase the software, you will receive your real license key, please use real license key to replace this demo license key, the demo watermark will be removed from generated Flipbook files automatically.

If you don't know how to run cmd window, please look at following web page for more information.



Photo Software

Free Image to Image & Image to PDF Converter Command Line, SDK and DLL for software developers to implement converting Image to image & PDF files

VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line is a professional converter for graphic files, photos, drafts, finance documents and other images of any type.

VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line grants fully-featured image conversion to users seeking a graphics kernel to include in their web-server stack. With batch-processing of entire directories, Image Converter Command Line offers unbeatable reliability to those who need a quick and efficient image conversion.


Are you having trouble ensuring that your electronic faxes, email attachments, and scanned documents are formatted correctly for the web? With Image Converter Command Line, these problems can be solved in only moments, all from the simple command line interface.


VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line makes it easy to access email- and database-stored documents and convert TIFF files to text, making it ideal for situations in which require translation between file formats. From the command line, Image Converter Command Line allows users to work without the overhead of other image conversion processes, and even has the ability to work from the background. By specifying a directory for the source and destination of a series of images, it is even possible to convert entire folders full of images in a single command.

VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line also has powerful image editing features. With our software, it is possible to resize images, crop margins of blank space, color-correct and rotate images, and even combine many images into a a multipage TIFF file. Even better, all of these features work with batch processing to ensure that your images maintain a consistent look and feel.

VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line gives you the ability to write scripts for complex operations that can be applied to files every time you receive a new group of images. A few such scripts are even included with your purchase to showcase the power and flexibility of the program! Because it is called from the command line, Image Converter Command Line can even be launched from programs written in Visual Basic, ASP, Visual C++, Delphi, or any other web-enabled language.

Use the convert program to convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. See Command Line Processing for advice on how to structure your convert command or see below for example usages of the command.

Example Usage

We list a few examples of the convert command here to illustrate its usefulness and ease of use. To get started, lets convert an image in the JPEG format to PNG:

  convert rose.jpg rose.png
Next, we reduce the image size before it is written to the PNG format:

  convert rose.jpg -resize 50% rose.png

You can combine multiple image-processing operations to produce complex results:

  convert -size 320x85 xc:transparent -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize 72 -draw "text 25,60 'VeryUtils'" -channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta -draw "text 20,55 'VeryUtils'" fuzzy-magick.png

You can find additional examples of using convert in Examples of VeryUtils Image Converter Command Line's Usage.

Option Summary

The convert command recognizes these options. Click on an option to get more details about how that option works.

-adjoin join images into a single multi-image file
-affine drawing transform matrix
-antialias remove pixel aliasing
-append append a set of images
-average average a set of images
-background the background color
-blur x blur the image with a gaussian operator
-border x surround the image with a border of color
-bordercolor the border color
-box set the color of the annotation bounding box
-cache megabytes of memory available to the pixel cache
-channel the type of channel
-charcoal simulate a charcoal drawing
-chop x{+-}{+-}{%} remove pixels from the interior of an image
-clip apply the clipping path, if one is present
-coalesce merge a sequence of images
-colorize colorize the image with the pen color
-colors preferred number of colors in the image
-colorspace the type of colorspace
-comment annotate an image with a comment
-compose the type of image composition
-compress the type of image compression
-contrast enhance or reduce the image contrast
-crop x{+-}{+-}{%} preferred size and location of the cropped image
-cycle displace image colormap by amount
-debug enable debug printout
-deconstruct break down an image sequence into constituent parts
-delay <1/100ths of a second> display the next image after pausing
-density x vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the image
-depth depth of the image
-despeckle reduce the speckles within an image
-display specifies the X server to contact
-dispose GIF disposal method
-dither apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image
-draw annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives
-edge detect edges within an image
-emboss emboss an image
-encoding specify the font encoding
-endian specify endianness (MSB or LSB) of output image
-enhance apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image
-equalize perform histogram equalization to the image
-fill color to use when filling a graphic primitive
-filter use this type of filter when resizing an image
-flatten flatten a sequence of images
-flip create a "mirror image"
-flop create a "mirror image"
-font use this font when annotating the image with text
-frame x++ surround the image with an ornamental border
-fuzz {%} colors within this distance are considered equal
-gamma level of gamma correction
-gaussian x blur the image with a gaussian operator
-geometry x{+-}{+-}{%}{@} {!}{<}{>} preferred size and location of the Image window.
-gravity direction primitive gravitates to when annotating the image.
-help print usage instructions
-implode implode image pixels about the center
-intent use this type of rendering intent when managing the image color
-interlace the type of interlacing scheme
-label assign a label to an image
-level adjust the level of image contrast
-list the type of list
-loop add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation
-map choose a particular set of colors from this image
-mask Specify a clipping mask
-matte store matte channel if the image has one
-median apply a median filter to the image
-modulate vary the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image
-monochrome transform the image to black and white
-morph morphs an image sequence
-mosaic create a mosaic from an image sequence
-negate replace every pixel with its complementary color
-noise add or reduce noise in an image
-noop NOOP (no option)
-normalize transform image to span the full range of color values
-opaque change this color to the pen color within the image
-page x{+-}{+-}{%}{!}{<}{>} size and location of an image canvas
-paint simulate an oil painting
-pen specify the pen color for drawing operations
-ping efficiently determine image characteristics
-pointsize pointsize of the Postscript, OPTION1, or TrueType font
-preview image preview type
-process process a sequence of images
-profile add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile to image
-quality JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level
-raise x lighten or darken image edges
-region x{+-}{+-} apply options to a portion of the image
-resize x{%}{@}{!}{<}{>} resize an image
-roll {+-}{+-} roll an image vertically or horizontally
-rotate {<}{>} apply Paeth image rotation to the image
-sample scale image with pixel sampling
-sampling_factor x sampling factors used by JPEG or MPEG-2 encoder and YUV decoder/encoder.
-scale scale the image.
-scene set scene number
-seed pseudo-random number generator seed value
-segment x segment an image
-shade x shade the image using a distant light source
-sharpen x sharpen the image
-shave x shave pixels from the image edges
-shear x shear the image along the X or Y axis
-size x{+offset} width and height of the image
-solarize negate all pixels above the threshold level
-spread displace image pixels by a random amount
-stroke color to use when stroking a graphic primitive
-strokewidth set the stroke width
-swirl swirl image pixels about the center
-texture name of texture to tile onto the image background
-threshold threshold the image
-tile tile image when filling a graphic primitive
-transform transform the image
-transparent make this color transparent within the image
-treedepth tree depth for the color reduction algorithm
-trim trim an image
-type the image type
-units the type of image resolution
-unsharp x sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator
-use_pixmap use the pixmap
-verbose print detailed information about the image
-view FlashPix viewing parameters
-wave x alter an image along a sine wave
-write write an image sequence [convert, composite]

Free Image Converter Command Line software has following highlight functions:

  • JPG to PDF – Convert JPG Images to PDF Documents
  • JPG to PDF - Convert your Images to PDFs
  • Convert Image To PDF - Convert your Images To PDF
  • Convert JPG to PDF - #1 JPG to PDF Converter
  • TIFF to PDF – Convert TIFF Images to PDF Documents
  • Safely and in Seconds Convert your TIFF files to PDF
  • The easiest free image converter. Convert your image to JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF or PDF format.
  • PDF to JPG Converter - Convert your PDF to Images
  • Free Image Converter - Resize digital photos for email or for the web. Need to resize more photos faster just install Free Image Converter.
Video Software

Best Windows 10 YouTube Downloader to Download 8K/4K/1080P Video

Is There Any Best Online Video Downloader for Windows 10? How to Download YouTube 8K/4K/1080P Video on Windows 10?



How many of you have installed Windows 10 Consumer Preview and indulge in it and can't wait to download the Windows 10 official final version, which has been released in July 29, 2015? YouTube lovers, who have gotten the Windows 7/8 free upgraded to Windows 10, may have started to search for a best YouTube downloader for Windows 10. So this tutorial is to bring everyone up to speed on where to get the best Windows 10 YouTube downloader and how to download online videos on Windows 10.

* Best YouTube Downloader for Windows 10
* How to Download YouTube 8K/4K/1080p Video on Windows 10


Windows 10 New Features
Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for Windows 8/8.1/7 users for the first year. Windows 10 vs. Windows 8/8.1, what are the new features that facilitate your movie video enjoying on the new Windows OS? Does Windows 10 support YouTube 8K/4K videos playback?

* Windows 10 Preview adds native support for H.265 (HEVC), MKV and FLAC, which makes the 8K/4K movie playback on the new Windows OS possible and the best YouTube 8K/4K video downloader a necessity.

* Windows 10 also comes with new technology of Holographic, which means with a HoloLens and a HoloStudio app, download a full movie from YouTube on Windows 10 and you will be able to enjoy a 3D hologram.

Get Windows 10 YouTube Downloader
download online videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. (300+ sites) on Windows 10, be it SD, Full HD 1080p, or 4K/8K UHD, with best online video downloader software for Windows 10 - VeryUtils YouTube Downloader

Best YouTube Downloader for Windows 10
Q - "I need a best online video downloader for Windows 10 to download YouTube movie/music video. Is there any YouTube downloader compatible with Windows 10 consumer preview?"

There are plenty of Windows 10 new features and Windows 10 compatible software/apps to dig into, but here first things first: does your previously installed YouTube downloading tool perfectly work on the new Windows OS? If not, which is the best Windows 10 YouTube downloader software? VeryUtils YouTube Downloader, favored by users for being and clean, is the best YouTube downloader for Windows 10/8/7 users to download 8K/4K UHD/1080p/3D movie or music videos in FLV, MP4 and WebM format. Also this Windows 10 url video downloader excels in download speed (5-8x real-time) for its Multi-thread and Multicast Technology.

How to Download YouTube Video on Windows 10?
Step 1: download VeryUtils YouTube Downloader on Windows 10 and finish the installation by double clicking the .exe file and following the set up wizard.

Step 2: Go to youtube.com, type a movie or music name in the search box and right click to copy the video URL. Or click to play the video and the Windows 10 YouTube downloader will auto detect the video URL. (Unblock YouTube if you can't get access to it.)

Step 3: Launch the Windows 10 YouTube downloader, Paste and Analyze the YouTube video link.

Step 4: Select your desired output video resolution/format/size/code and press button OK.

Step 5: Hit "Download" icon to start the YouTube video download on Win 10.

Besides, we also provide three different methods to download video from YouTube and also the solution to download YouTube playlist.


VeryUtils is an online digital marketplace where developers and designers can buy and sell various ready-to-use web development assets and print works.


We run our own marketplace for selling php scripts, js code, app templates and more at VeryUtils.com platform.



* Earn up to 87.5% of your sales.
* anytime withdrawal, any amount.

Include your items in paid marketing campaigns if high quality items.

What is VeryUtils?

VeryUtils is an online marketplace where developers and designers can buy and sell various ready-to-use web development assets and print works. These include scripts, code snippets, themes, mobile-desktop app source codes, desktop software, plugins, graphics, print and more.

Developers & designers are able to buy ready-to-use components and to drastically reduce development time and cost on their projects.

On the other side it makes it possible for developers & designers to generate a passive income by selling their work on VeryUtils.

We are still at the beginning and there are still lots of things to improve, but it give it a shoot and let me know how it does for you.

Have a good one!