Java Software, PDF Software

How do I overlay or stamp one PDF document with another from Command Line with VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)?

Overlaying PDF Files. The contents of two or more PDF files can be overlaid by VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit).

This is a quick and relatively simple way to overlay one page onto another. This is sometimes called stitching, overlaying, watermarking, etc., although each of those terms can refer to slightly different tasks as well.

The benefit of overlaying one page onto another the way I've outlined below is that you don't have to render either of the pages as an image, so in the final output, you'll still be able to select individual elements on the page, including text.

Recently, I received a question from a customer,
I have two separate pdf files, each 50 pages. I want to overlay one file on top of the other one, with the output being a single pdf document of 50 pages, with the content of the two pdfs overlayed page-wise.

I don't want the same page of document 2 as the background of document 1, but each page should merge. i.e page one of pdf 1 merge with page one of pdf 2, page two of pdf 1 merge with page two of pdf 2, etc.
This is a good question, because PDF overlay is a high frequency requirement. This customer wants to overlay all pages from PDF 1 to PDF 2. VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit) software has this function, he can do this work with pdf files using the jpdfkit command line tool using the stamp or background option.

java -jar jpdfkit.jar file1.pdf background file2.pdf output combinedfile.pdf

This will only work with a one-page background file. If you have multiple pages, you can use the multistamp or multibackground command instead,

java -jar jpdfkit.jar file1.pdf multistamp file2.pdf output combinedfile.pdf

java -jar jpdfkit.jar file1.pdf multibackground file2.pdf output combinedfile.pdf

Here you can see an example for a cover page:

How do I overlay or stamp one PDF document with another from Command Line with VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)?

Single page  with picture elements + First page of a multi-page document = Cover page of resulting PDF file

Please following me to test PDF overlay function in VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit) software,

1. Please download VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit) from this web page,

2. Please make sure the Java is installed in your system, if not, please download and install Java JRE from this web page,

3. After you download the Java and VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit), please run a CMD window first, and run following command line in this CMD window,

java -jar jpdfkit.jar

You will see the command line options,

How do I overlay or stamp one PDF document with another from Command Line with VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)?

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_in2.pdf multistamp sample_fillform.pdf output "_muloverlay_out.pdf"

java -jar jpdfkit.jar "sample_fillform.pdf" multibackground sample_in2.pdf output "_mulunderlay_out.pdf"

How do I overlay or stamp one PDF document with another from Command Line with VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)?

jpdfkit.jar is a Java Archive, it can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux systems. PDF Java Toolkit is a native Java library for mission critical PDF workflows.

Automate business workflow with PDF Java Toolkit

VeryUtils PDF Java Toolkit is a native Java library that provides high-level APIs for automating PDF workflows like processing PDF forms, split and merge PDF pages, stamp and overlay PDF pages, etc. While written with Java developers in mind, VeryUtils PDF Java Toolkit can be used with any JVM language (Clojure, Scala, Groovy, etc.) and if you ever need help, our enterprise support team is only an email or phone call away!

VeryUtils PDF Java Toolkit Features:
Developers can use the PDF Java Toolkit to build applications with functionality, such as:
* Generate barcode appearances.
* Overlay PDF pages.
* Digitally sign a PDF (available upon request).
* Split and Merge PDF files.
* PDF portfolios.
* Reader enabling/extending PDFs.
* Redaction of PDFs.
* Use JavaScript inside of a PDF.
* Process PDF forms.
* Overlay page content onto another page.
* Sanitize PDF documents.
* Encrypt and Decrypt PDF files.
* Create page spreads in a PDF.

More information:

Photo Software, Scripts

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

JavaScript UI control for thumbnail viewing in web browser with HTML5 support. The VeryUtils Thumbnail Viewer JavaScript Source Code is a JavaScript control for viewing thumbnails in any HML5 compatible web browser. The control can be created on a client-side of web application. The control doesn't require a web service for getting information about image and rendering a thumbnail. It can be used on both client and server side applications. For example, you can embed this JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer into your C/C++, Delphi, Xcode, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Java, Javascript, PHP, Python, etc. program languages to view images or PDF files or documents in thumbnail mode easily.

Thumbnail Viewer JavaScript Control can be found on this web page,

You may open following web page in a web browser to test its capability,

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

VeryUtils JavaScript Thumbnail Viewer is an image, media and gallery viewer written in JavaScript. These are some of its advantages:

  • Quick and elegant looking.
  • No plugins like Flash or Java required.
  • Popup blockers are no problem. The content opens within the active browser window.
  • Single click. After opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without closing it.
  • Lots of configuration options and scalability without compromizing on simplicity.
  • A component system lets you strip away unused features down to a file size of 10kB.
  • Outstanding, unconditional and free user support for both commercial and non-commercial users.
  • Compatibility and safe degrading. If the user has disabled JavaScript or is using an old browser, the browser redirects directly to the image itself or to a given HTML page.
  • Source code included after purchase.

Screenshots for VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer,

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Thumbnail Viewer, View Image thumbnails in browser with HTML5 support

Compatibility - tested with:

  • IE 5.5 - 9.0, Works
  • Firefox 1.5+, Works
  • Opera 8.5+,   Works
  • Netscape 7.2, Works
  • Safari 2.0+ on Mac, 3.0+ on Windows, Works
  • Google Chrome, Works
  • Konqueror 3.5, Works

Supported browsers and devices
The script has been developed to work on every device, which means that basic functionality should be supported everywhere:

  • Desktop Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE 8 and above
  • Android 2.3.7+ (2.1 not tested yet): default browser, Chrome, Firefox (latest), Dolphin (latest)
    iOS 5+
  • Windows Phone 7+: default browser (touch gestures are supported from 8+)
  • BlackBerry OS 10+: default browser (older versions not tested yet)
  • Devices with multiple input methods (Surface, Chromebook Pixel, etc.)

If you discover a problem on your device, please feel free to contact us, and provide as much detail as possible (OS name and version, browser name and version, screenshot or screencast, etc.).

Photo Software

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

Normally, we need to print a photo in large size, which is larger than the "standard" A4 paper size of most printers. For example, if you print a high-resolution photo which taken from digital camera on a A4 paper, you may lack some details. Excellent digital photos can create beautiful wall posters, especially with the quality that can be captured by modern digital cameras and professional lenses. Such wall posters can impress any visitor, the most photo studios and printing centers will use some of them as part of the decoration.

However, poster printing is not the only reason we need paper larger than A4. It makes perfect sense that architectural design requires a larger printer, which is why such a plan is usually printed in a dedicated print studio, but other types of design work (such as Photoshop images) also require large paper. For example, hobbyists working in carpentry tend to transfer patterns from computers to wood for later carving or carving. Such transfer also requires large paper or at least many A4 pages.

Methods Of Converting A Photo For Tiled Printing
There are many ways to convert large photos and you can print them on many A4 pages, you can later stick them together or let them overlap to display the entire photo. Using a specialized image editing software such as Photoshop, one can create such conversion in around 5 minutes, if he is at least a bit knowledgeable of how it works. But Photoshop is an expensive software and seems like an overkill if the only thing you want to do is this kind of conversion.

VeryUtils has a PhotoSlicer software for big poster printing, you may by following steps to use it,

1. You may download and install PhotoSlicer software from this web page,

2. After you install it, you may run it and open the large photo that you want to do the Tiled Printing,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

3. You may select A4 target paper size,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

4. Set the overlapping size,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

5. Define the final poster size,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

6. You can click "Save" button to save the poster to a PDF file,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

7. You can open the generated PDF file in Adobe Reader or VeryPDF PDF Editor software, and print it to physical printer with A4 paper,

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

How to Print a Large Photo on Multiple A4 Papers and Stick them together to Make a Poster? How to do the Tiled Printing?

8. You can print this PDF file to 6 pages of A4 paper, and then stick them together.

With PhotoSlicer software, you can enlarge and divide a single page image to print it out on multiple sheets of paper. You can make one large poster by joining these printouts together,

PDF Software, Photo Software

How to use VeryUtils PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line to convert PDF to flipbook that display on iPad, iPhone and Android systems?

We know the Flipbook works smoothly on Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android systems. You can drag the page corner to flip the book page quickly. This action makes us feel that we are reading a realist book. If you have a PDF file, you want to read this PDF file in Flipbook method, how do you do that? How to convert this PDF file to a Flipbook so it can be read on your mobile phone, tablet and Mac systems in Flipbook mode?

VeryUtils has a PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Command Line software, you may download the trial version from this web page,

You can also look at a demo page from this URL,

PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line software provides useful function like batch convert and command line mode. With this software, you are allowed to convert your various PDFs to HTML5 Flipbook files on the fly. The Command Line application allows you to execute the conversion in the background. It is said that PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line software is much competitive and multifunctional to meet your needs.

Simple And Fast
Never before was it this easy to create a eye-catching publications. Just run the command line to convert your PDF file to Flipbook and share with everybody.

Read on Any Device
Create life-like digital in HTML5 which work on nearly mobile devices, including iphone, ipad, Android phones, Android tablets. View it anywhere, anytime, online or offline.

PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Command Line software highlight features:
* Convert PDF file into HTML5 Flipbook file.
* Accurately preserves Text, Tables, Graphics & Layout.
* Supports command line operation (for manual use or inclusion in scripts).
* Does NOT need Adobe Acrobat software.
* Conversion of vector graphics into image files.
* Automatically resize pictures to fit frame borders.
* Optimize and scale HTML code for different screen resolutions.
* Easy to use stand-alone application.
* Supports multiple document conversions (Batch Processing).
* Converts outer fonts into text and embedded fonts into images.
* Supports drag and drop files and batch conversion.

How to convert a PDF file to HTML5 Flipbook from Command Line? OK, please refer to the following steps,

1. Please download PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Command Line software from this web page,

2. After you download it, please unzip it to a folder, because it's a Command Line application, so you need run a CMD window first and then run pdf2flip.exe from this CMD window.

Please go to "start" -> "Run" and type "command" or "cmd" command, press "Enter" key, you will able to launch a DOC window, then you can run pdf2flip.exe command line applications in this DOS window.

How to use VeryUtils PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line to convert PDF to flipbook that display on iPad, iPhone and Android systems?

3. You can simple run following command line to convert test.pdf to HTML5 Flipbook file,

pdf2flip.exe test.pdf out\

How to use VeryUtils PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line to convert PDF to flipbook that display on iPad, iPhone and Android systems?

4. You will get a folder which contains generated files after a few seconds, please open that folder, and open index.html file in web browser, you will able to view Flipbook file properly.

How to use VeryUtils PDF to HTML5 Flipbook Converter Command Line to convert PDF to flipbook that display on iPad, iPhone and Android systems?

The demo version contains a demo watermark in generated HTML5 image pages, after you purchase the software from this web page,

you will receive your license key, please pass this license key to pdf2flip.exe by -$ parameter, the demo watermark will be removed from generated image files,

pdf2flip.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX D:\in.pdf D:\out\

You can run pdf2flip.exe on your Windows server, or call pdf2flip.exe from your PHP, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ASP, etc. program languages, then you can batch convert your PDF files to HTML5 Flipbook files and publish them to your web server easily, your customers will able to view these Flipbooks on their mobile phones, tablets and computers.

Internet Software, Video Software

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline using VeryUtils YouTube Video Downloader?

How to watch YouTube Videos offline? This article will tell you how to download YouTube videos to watch offline on your computer, or phone. VeryUtils released a YouTube downloader application that can help you easily download videos to watch YouTube offline.

We watch YouTube videos every day. But, what should you do if don't have access to the internet? Can you watch YouTube videos in the countryside or on a Wi-Fi-less plane? Can you watch YouTube offline? How to watch YouTube videos offline?

Here, VeryUtils provides a YouTube Downloader to download YouTube videos to watch offline.

1. Please download and install YouTube Downloader from this web page,

2. After you download it to your system, please install it, run it, and enter the URL for a YouTube Video, you can enter more URLs for more YouTube Videos at one time,

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline using VeryUtils YouTube Video Downloader?

3. Click "Download" button to download YouTube Videos,

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline using VeryUtils YouTube Video Downloader?

4. After downloading completely, you can watch this video file offline on your Windows, Mac, iPhone, iOS, Android easily.

Most of time time you probably watch YouTube videos by streaming them to your TV, phone, laptop or tablet. That's the way it's supposed to work, and that's the best way to support your favourite channels, so long as you don't skip all the ads.

If you often download videos from YouTube, VeryUtils YouTube Video Downloader is a good choice to you. This software saves your time and can download videos automatically.

What about a private video?
Services and programs designed to record YouTube videos don't have the same rights as your YouTube account, and therefore would not be able to record a private video. However, if you can view the private video, you can use a screen recorder to record anything shown on your screen.

Download and install Screen Recorder software for Windows,

See Also:

Total Video Downloader PHP Script,

Video Cutter -- Cut, Trim & Join videos,

Video Editor Software,