Business Software, PDF Software, Photo Software, Scripts

How to use PHP Folder Watcher to monitor a folder and print JPG files to a certain tray of the printer?

Hi David,

Quick question about PHP Folder Watcher. Running PHP on Windows via Xampp. All I need is a watcher to see new .jpg files and send them to a local printer. But some files I need to send to a certain tray of the printer (i.e. Legal or Letter size). If your script doesn't already do that, do you think it's something I can modify? I know ONLY PHP. Also the printer is NOT the default printer and is shared on a network. Is that an issue?

Thanks so much!

How to use PHP Folder Watcher to monitor a folder and print JPG files to a certain tray of the printer?

Thanks for your message, PHP Folder Watcher is just a "watcher" to some folders, if you need to print JPG files to a certain tray of the printer, you need to use following product,

You may login and download the trial version for free.

PHP Folder Watcher can be purchased on this web page,

PDFPrint Command Line is a Windows Command Line application which can be used to print PDF and Image files to a certain tray of the printer (i.e. Legal or Letter size), the network printer is not an issue, you can use PDFPrint Command Line to print PDF and Image files to both local and network printers without any problem.

  -listbins                        : list bins/trays of a printer
  -listjobs                        : list print jobs in printer's queue
  -listall                         : list printers, ports, monitors etc.
  -listpapers                      : list supported papers from a printer.
  -chgbin <int>                    : change bin/tray for printer by number
  -papersource <string>            : change bin/tray for printer by name
  -settraytopclfile <string>       : set tray to PCL file directly, only work when '-papersource' used

for example, you may call following command lines from PHP Folder Watcher to print PDF or JPG files to special tray of the printer,

   pdfprint.exe -listbins -printer "docPrint"
   pdfprint.exe -listpapers -printer "docPrint"
   pdfprint.exe -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "auto" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 1" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Manual Feed" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Media Tray" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 3" -settraytopclfile C:\test.pcl
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "auto" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.jpg
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 1" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.png
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 2" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.tif
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 3" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.doc
   pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 4" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.docx

In the PHP Folder Watcher script, you can modify RunExternalEXE() function to call the PDFPrint.exe application, for example,

function PrintFile($strInFile)
    $strCurrentFolder = dirname(__FILE__);
    $strExeFile =  $strCurrentFolder . '/pdfprint/pdfprint.exe';
    $strCmd  = "\"$strExeFile\" -papersource \"Tray 4\" \"$strInFile\"";
    MyEcho(__FILE__, __LINE__, '', $strCmd);
    $strRawOutput = shell_exec($strCmd);
    MyEcho(__FILE__, __LINE__, '', "<pre>$strRawOutput</pre><br>");
    return $strRawOutput;

function RunExternalEXE($strInFile, $strInRootFolder, $strOutFolder, $strBackupFolder)
    MyEcho(__FILE__, __LINE__, '', "[RunExternalEXE] $strInFile => $strOutFolder");

If you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.


CAD Software, PDF Software

Convert DWG to PDF from Command Line using VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line

Do you want to share AutoCAD DWG and DXF files easily in a format that's guaranteed to be accessible? Yes, VeryUtils has a DWG to PDF Converter Command Line software which will help you, you can convert your AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF files easily with this DWG to PDF Converter Command Line software, this software is designed specifically for web-server and services, this app can be also integrated into any interface to make its options more comfortable for users.

VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line has following highlight features:
* Convert thousands of files and keep folder structure.
* Batch convert AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF files.
* Combine multiple DWG files into a single PDF in batch.
* Create a .bat file to reuse project settings.
* Send prompts from directly within the command line environment.
* You can call DWG to PDF Converter Command Line from your application using CreateProcess(), system(), exec(), shell() or similar functions.

After installing the VeryUtils DWG and DXF to PDF Converter Command Line software on a web server, the program becomes available for all users online. They don't even need to know how to convert DWG to PDF from Windows command line. It doesn't get any easier then that!

Please by following steps to convert a DWG or DXF file to PDF file using DWG to PDF Converter Command Line software,

1. Please download DWG to PDF Converter Command Line from this web page, you need login your account before you are able to download the software,

2. After you download and unzip it to a folder, please run a CMD window, then you can run following command lines in the CMD window to convert a DWG or DXF files to PDF files,

dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf
dwg2vec.exe -byview C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf
dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.emf
dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.wmf
dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\
dwg2vec.exe -noext C:\test.dwg C:\out.emf
dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.pdf
dwg2vec.exe -fontdir "C:\fonts" C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf
dwg2vec.exe -linewidth "1=0.1;2=0.1;3=0.1" C:\test.dwg C:\out.tif
dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.tif
dwg2vec.exe -linewidth "1=0.1;2=0.1;3=0.1" C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf

Convert DWG to PDF from Command Line using VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line

This is the screenshot of input DWG file,

Convert DWG to PDF from Command Line using VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line

This is the screenshot of converted PDF file,

Convert DWG to PDF from Command Line using VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line

dwg2vec.exe application can also convert from DWG and DXF files to WMF, EMF, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, PCL, PLT, XPS etc. vector formats, for example,

..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.pdf
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1_wmf.wmf
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1_emf.emf
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.eps
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.svg
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.swf
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.pcl
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.plt
..\dwg2vec.exe test1.dwg _test1.xps
..\dwg2vec.exe -colormode 1 test1.dwg _test1_bw.svg
..\dwg2vec.exe -colormode 1 test1.dwg _test1_bw.swf

..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg _test2.pdf
..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg _test2.xps
..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg _test2.pcl
..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg _test2_wmf.wmf
..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg _test2_emf.emf
..\dwg2vec.exe test2.dwg

..\dwg2vec.exe -colormode 1 -byview -width 792 -height 612 test2.dwg _test2_byview.pdf

..\dwg2vec.exe text.dwg _text.pdf

Convert DWG to PDF from Command Line using VeryUtils DWG to PDF Converter Command Line

Please find all options in dwg2vec.exe software at below,

DWG Tools Converter Command Line v3.2
Convert DWG and DXF files to Vector PDF, WMF, EMF, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, PCL, HPGL, XPS formats.
Release Date: Sep 15 2016
Usage: dwg2vec [options] <dwg-file> [<out-file>]
  -fontdir <string>  : a folder contain .ctb, .shx, etc. files
  -dpi <int>         : set DPI to output file
  -width <fp>        : set width, unit is point
  -height <fp>       : set height, unit is point
  -unit <string>     : cm, mm, pt, in, default is pt
  -linewidth <string>: set line width, unit in mm
  -colormode <int>   : set color mode, 0 is color and 1 is black and white
  -byview            : create an output file for each view
  -noext             : don't append suffix to filename for single page file
  -fixed             : fix precision problem
  -debug             : output debug message
  -$ <string>        : input registration key

If you encounter any problem with dwg2vec.exe application, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

PDF Software

How to extract text and text coordinates from a PDF file? PDF Parsing with Text and Coordinates. PDF Text Extraction with Coordinates.

I want to extract all the text boxes and text box coordinates from a PDF file. I would like to extract text from a portion (using coordinates) of PDF page, can anyone help me out?

Given a PDF file, output should look something like:

   489, 41,  "Signature"
   500, 52,  "b"
   630, 202, "a_g_i_r"

Customer #1  

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a program which can extract the starting (top left) coordinates (x,y) of each word in a PDF file (and the end if possible). Ideally output would be in a format that could be easily inserted into a database.

Customer #2

How to extract text and text coordinates from a PDF file? PDF Parsing with Text and Coordinates. PDF Text Extraction with Coordinates.
Sometimes, we have some customers who want to extract text contents and their positions from PDF pages, the text positions are used to parse the values, such as read invoice numbers from PDF files or looking for some other information.

PDF Extractor SDK (PDF Parser SDK and Command Line) is a good product to extract various information from PDF files, of course, it can extract text contents and text coordinates also.

1. You may download the trial version of PDF Extractor SDK (PDF Parser SDK and Command Line) from this web page first,

2. After you download it, you may unzip it to a folder.

3. Please run a CMD window first, if you don't know how to run a CMD window, please look at following web page,

4. pdfextract.exe is a command line application, it supports following command line options,

pdfextract.exe version 3.0
Copyright 1996-2017 Inc.
Product Name: VeryPDF PDF Extract Tool Command Line
Usage: pdfextract.exe [options] <PDF-file>
  -f <int>           : first page to print
  -l <int>           : last page to print
  -opw <string>      : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>      : user password (for encrypted files)
  -outfolder <string>: Set a folder to store extracted files
  -layout            : maintain original physical layout
  -textfile          : Extract text contents from PDF file
  -textpos           : Extract text and coordinates from PDF file
  -nopgbrk           : don't insert page breaks between pages
  -h                 : print usage information
  -help              : print usage information
  --help             : print usage information
  -?                 : print usage information
  -$ <string>        : input your license key
   pdfextract.exe D:\in.pdf
   pdfextract.exe -outfolder D:\out\ D:\in.pdf
   pdfextract.exe -outfolder D:\out\ D:\in.pdf
   pdfextract.exe -opw 123 -upw 456 -outfolder D:\out\ D:\in.pdf
   pdfextract.exe -outfolder D:\out\ D:\in.pdf > out.log
   pdfextract.exe -outfolder D:\out\ D:\in.pdf out.log
   pdfextract.exe D:\in.pdf out.log
   pdfextract.exe -textpos D:\in.pdf D:\out.txt
   pdfextract.exe -textpos -nopgbrk D:\in.pdf D:\out.txt
   pdfextract.exe -textfile D:\in.pdf D:\out.txt
   pdfextract.exe -layout -textfile D:\in.pdf D:\out.txt

5. You can simple run following command line to extract all information from your PDF file,

pdfextract.exe -outfolder D:\VeryUtils\test\ D:\downloads\Test_in.pdf

6. You will find a "TextFileWithPosition.txt" file in the "D:\VeryUtils\test" folder, this text file contains all text contents and coordinates for each word, such as,

How to extract text and text coordinates from a PDF file? PDF Parsing with Text and Coordinates. PDF Text Extraction with Coordinates.

7. "PageContents.xml" is a XML file which contain coordinates for each character, such as,

How to extract text and text coordinates from a PDF file? PDF Parsing with Text and Coordinates. PDF Text Extraction with Coordinates.

8. Now, you can write a simple PHP or Python application to read and parse X/Y positions from these PDF files, then you can process these PDF files easily.

How to extract text and text coordinates from a PDF file? PDF Parsing with Text and Coordinates. PDF Text Extraction with Coordinates.

If you wish extract more information from PDF files, such as hyperlinks, colorspaces, attachments, bookmarks, pictures, embedded fonts, forms, etc. elements, please feel free to contact us, we are glad to assist you asap,

PDF Software, Utilities

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver is a virtual printer driver for Windows 2000, Windows XP and later systems, which allows you to create EMF (Enhanced Meta File) and WMF (Windows Meta File - the old version of EMF) vector images from any Windows application which supports printing. Additionally, the EMF Printer Driver also supports PDF format, Postscript format and more than 100 raster formats (PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, etc.) in case you don't need vector images.

With VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver, you can export to EMF files (Enhanced-Format Metafiles) from any printable applications, you can develop your own application based on VeryUtils EMF Virtual Printer SDK easily. VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver is designed for Win 9X/2K/XP/2003/Vista/7 32 and 64 bit systems.

How VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver works?
Print any file to VeryUtils Virtual Printer (you can request us to custom the printer name) simply, then EMF file(s) and a ini file will be created automatically. Your application can receive full name of file(s) exported, Job Title and page size from the ini file.

How to embed VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver SDK into your product?
You'll get full version after purchasing, no limitation, no message box about our company, and you can request us add custom notice message (OPTIONAL).

1. Embed SDK to your installation packet.
2. Simply extract the SDK exe while installing, save to temporary folder and execute the exe with below command line while installing.

"x:\temp folder\setupx64.exe" /VERYSILENT

Please by following steps to test the VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver,

1. Please download VeryUtils EMF Printer Driver from this web page,

2. After you download and unzip it to a folder, please run setupx64.exe application to install EMF Printer into your system, you will see a "VeryPDF EMF Printer" or "VeryPDF PDF Printer" appear in the Printer&Fax folder after a few seconds.

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

3. You may run "swaprun.exe" to monitor the Printer Queue prior to printing,

4. Now, you can run a Windows application, such as Chrome, print a HTML page to "VeryPDF EMF Printer",

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

5. You will see following message box after a few seconds, this message box will be suppressed in the purchased version,

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

These EMF flies are generated EMF files in the temporary folder,

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

6. You will get a final PDF file after a few seconds also,

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

This is a screenshot of final PDF file,

How to integrate a EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver into your developed applications?

7. You can integrate EMF Printer into your product to extend the printing capabilities easily, with it, you can print any documents to EMF, PDF, PS and Image formats, then you can import these files into your software for further processing.

VeryUtils EMF Virtual Printer Driver SDK, allows you to integrate Virtual Printer and Document Converting features into your own application. Print any document then export PDF, TIFF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PCX, TXT, EMF or SPL format ( .SPL, Print Spooling File ) from VeryUtils EMF Virtual Printer Driver.

PDF Software, Utilities

VeryUtils Virtual Metafile EMF Printer Driver SDK for Windows Royalty Free

VeryUtils Metafile EMF Printer Driver is a Windows Virtual Printer software, it can convert any printable files into Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) files, PDF files and Image files. Because the EMF format is a vector format, metafiles are used primarily by applications that require further processing of the printed documents. The Metafile EMF printer driver can also extract ASCII text from a printed file in addition to generating EMF output.

VeryUtils Metafile EMF Printer Driver can be purchased from VeryUtils Platform on this web page,

VeryUtils Metafile EMF printer driver is a Royalty Free product, it allows developers to bundle and distribute the EMF Printer Driver as part of their own application with no per user fees. We can also provide custom-build service for Metafile EMF Virtual Printer, such as change the default printer name, and more PDF related functions, etc., all royalty free.

VeryUtils Virtual Metafile EMF Printer Driver SDK for Windows Royalty Free

Virtual Metafile EMF Printer Driver Features:
* Print to searchable PDF;
* Print to image (BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG);
* Print to text (ANSI, UTF-8 or Unicode);
* Can act as a print server with shared printing, supports terminal services and works in a domain;
* Print job redirection to hardware printer;
* Print job management: document modification, cancel printing;
* Add watermarks to documents with many configuration options;
* Upload files using FTP/FTPS/SFTP;
* ESC/POS receipt parser (virtual POS printer);
* Early Access: allows to obtain converted files right after User start print a document;
* N-Up feature: allows to print 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16 pages per sheet;
* MSI installer with full source code;
* Supported OS (both x86 and x64): Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10.

If you are a software developer, our Metafile EMF Virtual Printer SDK will help you to:

1. Generate an output in the form of standard raster or vector formats from your program (or from any other software application meant to produce printing forms).
Supported output formats:
* TIFF with various compressions including CCITT fax compression. Virtual printer also supports the special fax – resolutions such as 204×98 and 204×196 DPI.
* Plain text in different encodings (ANSI, UTF-8 or Unicode)
* PostScript (without converters from PS to other formats).

2. Redirect the print job to other printer. Thus, when sending the document to the printer, you can save it in the set format (PDF, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, TXT) and print it in paper form on the physical printer at the same time.

3. Modify a virtual-printed document before sending it for actual printing, for example, you can add a demo watermark, company copyright text message, company logo, etc.

4. Import documents from other applications. Imported documents can be converted to your format with the use of an EMF format.

EMF (Enhanced MetaFile)
EMF (Enhanced MetaFile) and raw are terms for spool file formats used in printing by the Windows operating system. When a print job is sent to the printer, if it is already printing another file, the computer reads the new file and stores it, usually on the hard disk or in memory, for printing at a later time. Spooling allows multiple print jobs to be given to the printer at one time.

The EMF format is the 32-bit version of the original Windows metafile (WMF) format. The EMF format was created to solve the deficiencies of the WMF format in printing graphics from sophisticated graphics programs. The EMF format is device-independent. This means that the dimensions of a graphic are maintained on the printed copy regardless of the resolution in dots per inch of the printer. In a network, the smaller file size of the EMF format reduces network traffic. EMF is the spool file used by the Windows operating system.

A raw spool file is a one that is sent to the Windows spooler unprocessed (which is why it's called "raw"). The raw file is used to send Postscript commands to a Postscript printer. The Postscript commands are understood by the printer, but are just plain data to the Windows spooler. The raw format is device-dependent and slower. If printing problems occur while using the EMF format, they can sometimes be fixed by simply changing the format to "raw" in the printer Properties.