PDF Software

How to encrypt PDF files on Linux Server using Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit.jar)?

Hello, I would like to encrypt my PDF files on the Linux server, our workflow works by following steps,

1. Convert smart form (this is the form in SAP) to OTF format.
2. Convert OTF to PDF and encrypt PDF files on Linux Server.
3. Send PDF file by email.

this is our process. I need encrypt pdf at step 2. I need to encrypt without downloading the file.



>>sorry I am explaining to you our process.
>>1. Convert smart form (this is the form in SAP) to OTF format
>>2. convert OTF to PDF
>>3. send mail.
>>this is our process. I need encrypt pdf at step 2. I need to encrypt without downloading the file.

Thanks for your message, yes, this is possible.

May I know where are your PDF files? are these PDF files exist on the server? if yes, you needn't download the PDF files to local disk, you can simple run Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit) on your server to encrypt PDF files inside your server, you may download the trial version of "Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)" from this web page to try,


Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit) is a .jar application, you can call it from your code using Command Line operation, such as,

-- Encrypt a PDF using 128-bit strength

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted.128.pdf owner_pw 123

-- Set both owner password and open password to a PDF file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted_both.pdf owner_pw 456 user_pw 123

-- Enable High Quality Printing when encrypt a PDF file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted_highprinting.pdf owner_pw 456 user_pw 123 allow printing

If you encounter any problem with "Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)" product, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.



How to monitor a folder and trigger a command-line action for new files using VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool (or FileWatcher)?


VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool is an easy to use Windows software, you can use this software to monitor your desktop or any other folder on your hard drive. VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool is an automated Windows file management tool. Use DropFiles Automation Tool's friendly interface to create advanced rules to move, copy, delete, rename, run an external EXE application, or open files based on their name, extension, size, creation date, and more.

VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool is a File and Folder Watcher software, it can monitor one or more folders for new files. When new files arrive, VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool then triggers a custom action, such as running a second program with the new files. This can be used to:

* Pre-process photos as you take them, using Adobe Droplets.
* Automatically process incoming FTP files as they arrive.
* Automatically send files via FTP, SFTP, FTPS after they are dropped in a folder.
* Automatically distil PDF files.
* Automatically Process email attachments when they are saved to disk.
* Automatically Load new files into a database.
* Quickly and easily trigger business processes when files are created.
* and much more!

With File Watcher, files are only processed when they have finished being written to disk - so huge video files (100MB - 10GB or more) will not be processed prematurely.

Files that already exist when File Watcher starts can be processed, this is very handy to pickup files that might have arrived while FileWatcher was not active due to a system restart.

Incoming files can be processed individually.

File Watcher can process only those files that match a file spec (e.g. '*.txt;*.html') and ignore all other files that might arrive at the same time. It can also watch multiple folders at the same time (subfolders are handled also).

File Watcher can also prevent triggering new actions while an old action is still running.

User Benefits for VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool:
* Monitor an unlimited number of folders, including subfolders
* Run unlimited actions per folder watching event
* Monitor folders on local disks, network drives, or FTP locations
* Monitor changed, renamed, deleted and created events or any combination of these
* Filter by file attributes, creation time, directory name, file name or type, size etc
* Never lose a file or folder event regardless of the level of disk activity
* Copy, move, email, print actions, and custom actions via VBScript/JScript integration
* Fully recovers from network location downtime.

Now, please by following steps to use VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool to monitor a folder and execute an external application for new files.

1. Please download and install VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool from this web page,


2. after you install it, please run this software, you will see following icon appear on the desktop,


3. Please make a new "Run with..." profile first. Select "Profiles"->"Customize" menu item,


Add a new Profile, name it with "Run_with...",



Close the "Customize Profiles" window.

4. Make an association action with "Run_with..." profile.


Select "Run_with..." profile,


Add an Association, execute following command line for all *.pdf files,

C:\windows\notepad.exe "%File%"


Save and close the windows.

5. Start to monitor a folder. Click right button on icon, select "Options" menu item,


On the "Monitoring" tab, select a folder for monitoring, set Time interval value, and select "Run_with..." profile,


Click "Save" and "OK" buttons to close the windows.

6. When you copy two PDF files into C:\Work folder, these PDF files will be opened in notepad.exe application automatically. You can also replace "notepad.exe" application with Various Command Line applications from VeryPDF, then you can batch process new files at background automatically.


VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool is a great software to batch process your files, it will save your time, and it can do lots of works automatically, you can setup it and forget it, that's all.

If you like the VeryUtils DropFiles Automation Tool, you may buy it from following web page directly,


Audio Software, Business Software, eBook Products, PDF Software

How to Convert PDF File to MP3 Audio Speech with VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software?

When you want to save, archive or send business documents, reports or other documents to someone, PDF is the most suitable file format. But sometimes, when you are too tired to read or simply don't have time to open your computer to read a PDF file, you hope there is a way to convert these PDF texts to Audio Speech, so you can listen these Audio Speeches on your mobile phone at anytime and anywhere. Thankfully, VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software will meet your requirement, with VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software, you can convert text contents from PDF files to MP3 Audio Speeches easily.

VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software is a standalone application, it doesn't require Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat installed in your system.

You may by following steps to convert a text based PDF file to MP3 Audio Speech.

1. Please download and install VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software from this web page,


2. After you install the software, please run it and open a PDF file in the software, the text contents from your PDF file will be shown in the software, you can click "Read Aloud", "Pause" and "Stop" buttons to control the reading for the text contents,


3. After you feel OK with the current speech speed, you can click "Save Audio File" button, then you can save current speech to a WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3 or other audio formats easily.


4. Saving to audio file for current text contents,


4. You will get a MP3 audio file after a few seconds, you can open this MP3 in Windows Media Player or upload it to your mobile phone, so you can listen it at later.


VeryUtils DocVoicer (Text-To-Speech) Software is a great software to convert PDF and Office documents to MP3 Audio Speech software, if you encounter any problem with this software, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

Download and enjoy it today!


Business Software

Best Invoicing software for small business with VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform

VeryUtils released an Online Invoice Platform some days ago. With VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform, you can make an invoice online, send an invoice and provide customers with a choice of payment methods. Although you can make an invoice in MS Word application, print it out, send it via snail mail, and wait for the check to arrive, but using VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform, you can simplify the entire process and get the payments faster.



Using invoicing software to bill your clients quickly and easily, it can reduce the amount of time you spend on administrative tasks for your business, giving you more time to focus on the work that actually makes your business money.

BizSoft Invoice is a simple online accounting software that covers all the basics: create and send invoices, track expenses, create reports, and do accounting on the go on all devices. But it also offers a full set of accounting tools that grows with your business.

Top features in VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform:

  • Send professional invoices, set up automatic recurring invoices, and accept online payments in a simple, fast and convenient way.
  • Track and categorise expenses, and bill them to your clients all from one place.
  • Time-tracking and invoicing.
  • Manage your complete billing circle: from quotes over invoices to payments.
  • Manage your Clients. The application provides CRM-like management for your clients.
  • You can select from different themes, set amount formats, modify email and PDF templates or many more.
  • One-Click Online Payments. Let your clients pay the invoices by using one of 25 different online payment providers like PayPal, Stripe or even using Bitcoin via Coinbase.
  • Track sales, expenses and profits.
  • Create & send unlimited invoices.
  • Track and manage your sales tax.
  • Works on PC, Mac, and mobile.
  • Manage and pay bills.
  • Transact in multiple currencies.
  • Generate sales quotes.
  • Create purchase orders.
  • Subscription Management.
  • Billing and Invoicing.
  • Recurring Payments.
  • Accounting and Taxes.
  • Reporting and Analytics.

The setup fee for VeryUtils Invoice is USD$59, this is one time fee, the monthly subscription fee is USD$9.95 per month, you can subscribe VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform from this web page,


Please follow me to test the VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform,

1. Please click "Live Demo" button on above web page to open the login page for VeryUtils Online Invoice software, enter Demo user account and password to login the system,


2. After you login the system, you can execute Add Clients, Create Quote, Create Invoice, Create Task, Create Project, Create Product, View Reports and many other operations,


3. After you create an invoice in the system, you can download that invoice as a PDF or sent it by email,



4. You can email the invoices, quotes to your clients and get payments easily.

You can subscribe "VeryUtils Online Invoice Platform" from this web page,


You can also specify domain name for you owned Invoice Application, such as,


BizSoft Invoice makes small business invoicing and billing so simple, you’ll be amazed at the time you have to focus on doing what you love and how much faster you get paid. Buy and Enjoy it online now!!!


Photo Software

How To Watermark Photos using VeryUtils Image Watermark Software?

VeryUtils Image Watermark is a Windows Software which can batch watermark thousands of photos quickly. With this software, you can put text to photo, insert logo, add shape, add caption or combination of these. You can watermark photos offline. Save watermark templates for later use.

VeryUtils Photo Watermark is an application for personal use or company use that can add digital watermarks to all your images, photos and pictures with the transparency you decide. Ideal for users who want to capture, watermark and share their photographs quickly and easily. With this app you can simply create your own watermark.

VeryUtils Image Watermark is the easiest app to add watermark to your photos to build your brand and protecting your photos offline.

Please by following steps to use VeryUtils Image Watermark to protect your photos,

1. Please download and install VeryUtils Image Watermark from this web page,


2. After you install the software, please run it, select the source image file that you want to add a watermark to it,


3. Add a Text watermark,


4. Add an Image watermark if you want,


5. Add a shape (Rectangle or Ovel) watermark if you want,


6. Add a Caption to Image file if you want,


7. Click "Preview" button to preview the image with Text, Image, Shape, Caption watermarks,


8. If you are feel OK with the preview image, you can click "Start" button to add these watermarks to your images, you can also add more images into the file list, then you can add watermarks to all of these images at one time,


9. You can open the final image file in Image Viewer application, you will able to see the watermarks in the final photos properly.


With VeryUtils Image Watermark Software, you can add watermarks to photos easily before you share them to others, for example, before you send a photo image of your Identify Card, Driver License, Passport, Residence Card, etc. to others, you can use this software to add some copyright information as watermarks to these photos easily.