Business Software, Internet Software, Scripts

Best Email Marketing Solution with SMTP Rotation, Rotate on multiple SMTP Servers automatically

Best Email Marketing Campaigns for Small Businesses, able to rotate on multiple SMTP Servers automatically.

Multiple SMTP and IP rotation to load balancing. You can get more than one SMTP server and use PHP Batch Email Sender program to send mass emails. As it supports the use of multiple SMTP accounts, and they can be used sequentially:

First email goes through SMTP Server1, second email goes through SMTP Server2, etc..

PHP Web Email Crawler,

PHP Script Batch Send Emails (PHP Batch Email Sender),


PHP Batch Email Sender is a batch email sending software which written in PHP program language, it can be run on local system or server side, it supports Windows, macOS and Linux systems. With PHP Batch Email Sender, you will be able to properly handle email marketing for your own purposes, you can also become an Email Service Provider for your customers.

You can send an unlimited number of email campaigns (newsletters) to an unlimited number of lists containing an unlimited numbers of subscribers. If you handle newsletter for multiple websites, you can treat those as customers and have unlimited too!

PHP Batch Email Sender is a Bulk Email Sending Platform. PHP Batch Email Sender is very simple and easy to use. It's a full-featured bulk email marketing tool. You don't have to pay monthly fees, just download and install it on your hosting or run it from your local Windows, macOS or Linnux system. You can use PHP Batch Email Sender as personal and also for business purposes.

You can easily integrate PHP Batch Email Sender with Gmail, Amazon SES, etc. SMTP providers. By using PHP Batch Email Sender you will be the next e-mail service provider.

PHP Batch Email Sender highlight features:
* Written in PHP program language.
* Support Windows, macOS and Linux systems.
* Support Command Line operation.
* Don't depend on database, such as MySQL and others.
* Cron Jobs access (linux cron jobs not web crons).
* Support unlimited SMTP Servers.
* Able to switch in multiple SMTP Servers automatically.
* You will get full PHP source code after purchase.
* Rotating SMTP possibility – send your campaign using as many smtp servers as you need.

Rotating SMTP Servers without any limits:
ex. 3 SMTP Servers' will work that way:
1 mail -> 1 smtp
2 mail -> 2 smtp
3 mail -> 3 smtp
4 mail -> 1 smtp
5 mail -> 2 smtp
etc. ...
till end of your campaign.

PHP Batch Email Sender is a simple, efficient email marketing application. There is no super requirements and no advanced experience is required, You can make your email marketing campaign in just minutes. You can dynamically generate and send personalized e-mails to customers using this application. PHP Batch Email Sender gives you full control over e-mail you can send: use HTML to your messages.

We can help you with issues from your own customization. We are also offer install or setup services.

No limits and no restrictions for SMTP connections.

Tested SMTP Servers:
* 1and1 (
* Amazon (
* Gmail (
* GoDaddy (
* Mailgun (
* Mandrill (
* OVH (
* SendinBlue (
* SparkPost (
* Yahoo (
* Yandex (

Lifetime license
Use as long as you wish:
* All features available all the time.
* No fees.
* No limits.
* No restrictions.
* No additional payment.
* No subscription payment.

PHP Web Email Crawler,

PHP Script Batch Send Emails (PHP Batch Email Sender),

You can use "PHP Web Email Crawler" to collect email addresses by special keywords, then you can use "PHP Batch Email Sender" to batch send emails to these email addresses, they are your best marketing tools.

Business Software, PDF Software

PDF to CSV Converter Command Line

You can use "VeryUtils PDF to CSV Converter Command Line" software as a PDF to CSV converter as well as a PDF to Excel converter. You can run this software in Command Line windows by manual or call it from your applications or scripts to batch convert PDF files to CSV files on the fly.

"VeryUtils PDF to CSV Converter Command Line" is a Windows software, however, it does support Mac and Linux systems too, if you wish get a Mac or Linux version, please feel free to let us know, we will send it to you asap.


PDF2CSV Converter Converts PDF to Data Sheet easily.
Easily convert from PDF statements to .CSV files with pdf2csv Converter by VeryUtils.
If you're wondering how to convert PDF files from online banking to spreadsheet format, we have the answer, PDF2CSV Converter, by VeryUtils. Quickly and easily convert downloaded PDF statements from your bank, credit card company, or brokerage firm into CSV format files suitable for import into spreadsheets or other applications. Perfect for professional accounting, personal finance applications, and streamlining tax filing preparation.

PDF2CSV Converter is designed to convert PDF Statements that are downloaded statements from a bank or credit card company. PDF2CSV Converter also includes VeryUtils's PDF+Text recognition module and adds the ability to convert scanned paper statements, as well as downloaded statements which are images or encrypted (this function is available upon request).

With PDF2CSV Converter, You Can:
* Extract transactions from downloaded PDF statements.
* Import transactions directly into spreadsheets such as Excel or finance applications.
* Download transactions from banks, credit card companies, or brokerages that do not support .CSV formats.
* Import transactions from PDF statements, no matter how many years back they go.
* Run automatic conversions as part of a script.

PDF2CSV Converter System Requirements:
* Windows
* Mac OS
* Linux
* Java must be installed on your computer – this will be done automatically by the installer if it is not already present.


PDF2CSV Converter Command Line options:

Product Name: VeryUtils PDF to Excel Converter Command Line
Product Web Page:
1. Convert PDF files to CSV, TSV, JSON files.
2. Standalone software, don't require any 3rd software.
3. Determine tables in PDF pages and export them to Excel Spreadsheet automatically.
4. Decrypt a password protected PDF file.

PDF2Excel Command Line (PDF2CSV Command Line) software helps you extract tables from PDFs.




Usage: pdf2excel.exe [-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [-a <AREA>] [-b <DIRECTORY>] [-c <COLUMNS>] [-d][-f <FORMAT>] [-g] [-h] [-i] [-l] [-n] [-o <OUTFILE>] [-p <PAGES>] [-r] [-s <PASSWORD>] [-t] [-u] [-v] <Input PDF file>

Set your license key

-a,--area <AREA>
-a/--area = Portion of the page to analyze. Accepts top,left,bottom,right. Example: --area 269.875,12.75,790.5,561. If all values are between 0-100 (inclusive) and preceded by '%', input will be taken as % of actual height or width of the page. Example: --area %0,0,100,50. To specify multiple areas, -a option should be repeated. Default is entire page.

-b,--batch <DIRECTORY>
Convert all .pdfs in the provided directory.

-c,--columns <COLUMNS>
X coordinates of column boundaries. Example: --columns 10.1,20.2,30.3

Print detected table areas instead of processing.

-f,--format <FORMAT>
Output format: (CSV,TSV,JSON). Default: CSV

Guess the portion of the page to analyze per page.

Print this help text.

Suppress all stderr output.

Force PDF to be extracted using lattice-mode extraction (if there are ruling lines separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet)

[Deprecated in favor of -t/--stream] Force PDF not to be extracted using spreadsheet-style extraction (if there are no ruling lines separating each cell)

-o,--outfile <OUTFILE>
Write output to <file> instead of STDOUT. Default: -

-p,--pages <PAGES>
Comma separated list of ranges, or all. Examples: --pages 1-3,5-7, --pages 3 or --pages all. Default is --pages 1

[Deprecated in favor of -l/--lattice] Force PDF to be extracted using spreadsheet-style extraction (if there are ruling lines separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet)

-s,--password <PASSWORD>
Password to decrypt document. Default is empty.

Force PDF to be extracted using stream-mode extraction (if there are no ruling lines separating each cell).

Use embedded line returns in cells. (Only in spreadsheet mode.)

Business Software, PDF Software

How to convert text report PDF file to Excel CSV file?

I would like to convert my text report PDF file to CSV file, and then save CSV file into database, I tried your PDF to Excel Converter Command Line software from this web page,

I tried following command line, but it failed to work,

D:\temp\new-pdf2excel\pdf2excel_cmd>pdf2excel.exe --pages all -o D:\temp\spby_01.csv D:\temp\spby_01.pdf

You have 43 time to evaluate "VeryUtils PDF to Excel Converter Command Line []", you may purchase a full version from "" web page.
[Error] Failed to create "D:\temp\spby_01.csv" file.


I still get an error....

Thanks for your message, yes, this is an incompatible problem on the Windows 10 system, however, we have already fixed this problem in the latest version of PDF to Excel Converter Command Line software, we have already updated the software to the latest version to our website, you may download the latest version of PDF to Excel Converter Command Line software from this URL to try again,

after you download it, you can run following command line to convert your PDF file to CSV file easily,

pdf2excel.exe --pages all -o D:\downloads\spby_01.csv D:\downloads\spby_01.pdf

please look at the source PDF file and converted CSV file in following screenshot,


btw, the old version of pdf2excel.exe does support Windows 7 system and it has some incompatible problems on the Windows 10, however, the latest version does support Windows 7,  Windows 10 and later systems perfectly, so you may download the latest version from our website to try again,

Please look at attached CSV file, this CSV file was converted following command line,

pdf2excel.exe -p all -o D:\downloads\spby_01.csv D:\downloads\spby_01.pdf

If you have any question for this CSV file, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.


Business Software, PDF Software, Scripts

Use Java PDFTools (jpdftools.jar) Command Line to manipulate PDF files on Windows, Mac and Linux systems

Java PDFTools (jpdftools.jar) Command Line comes with a series of command line utilities. They are available as standard Java applications, you can use these PDF Tools to process your PDF files on Windows, Mac and Linux systems easily.


Java PDFTools (jpdftools.jar) Command Line Home Page:

Java PDFTools (jpdftools.jar) Command Line Tools:

School Decrypt
This application will decrypt a PDF document.

NOTE: You must have the owner password to decrypt the document!

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar Decrypt [OPTIONS] <inputfile> [outputfile]

Command Line Parameters:
-password: Password to the PDF or certificate in keystore.
-keyStore: Path to keystore that holds certificate to decrypt the document. This is only required if the document is encrypted with a certificate, otherwise only the password is required.
-alias: The alias to the certificate in the keystore.
inputfile: The PDF file to decrypt.
outputfile: The file to save the decrypted document to. If left blank then it will be the same as the input file.

School Encrypt
This application will encrypt a PDF document.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar Encrypt [OPTIONS] <password> <inputfile>

Command Line Parameters:
-O: The owner password to the PDF, ignored if -certFile is specified.
-U: The user password to the PDF, ignored if -certFile is specified.
-certFile: Path to X.509 cert file.
-canAssemble: Set the assemble permission. Default: true
-canExtractContent: Set the extraction permission. Default: true
-canExtractForAccessibility: Set the extraction permission. Default: true
-canFillInForm: Set the fill in form permission. Default: true
-canModify: Set the modify permission. Default: true
-canModifyAnnotations: Set the modify annotations permission. Default: true
-canPrint: Set the print permission. Default: true
-canPrintDegraded: Set the print degraded permission. Default: true
-keyLength: 40, 128 or 256. The number of bits for the encryption key. For 128 and above bits Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files must be installed.
inputfile: The PDF file to encrypt.
outputfile: The file to save the encrypted document to. If left blank then it will be the same as the input file.

School ExtractImages
This application will extract all images from the given PDF document.

Usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar ExtractImages [OPTIONS] <inputfile>

Command-Line Parameters:
-password: The password to the PDF document.
-prefix: Image prefix to use. Default: PDF name
-directJPEG: Forces the direct extraction of JPEG images regardless of colorspace. Default: false

School ExtractText
This application will extract all text from the given PDF document.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar ExtractText [OPTIONS] <inputfile> [Text file]

Command Line Parameters:
-alwaysNext: Process next page (if applicable) despite IOException (ignored when -html). Default: false
-password: The password to the PDF document.
-encoding: The encoding type of the text file, e.g. ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16BE.
-console: Send text to console instead of file. Default: false
-html: Output in HTML format instead of raw text. Default: false
-sort: Sort the text before writing. Default: false
-ignoreBeads: Disables the separation by beads. Default: false
-debug: Enables debug output about the time consumption of every stage. Default: false
-force: Enables software to ignore corrupt objects. Default: false
-rotationMagic: Analyze each page for rotated/skewed text, rotate to 0° and extract separately (slower, and ignored when -html). Default: false
-startPage: The first page to extract, one based. Default: 1
-endPage: The last page to extract, one based. Default: LastPage

School OverlayPDF
This application will overlay one document with the content of another document

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar OverlayPDF <input.pdf> [OPTIONS] <output.pdf>

Command Line Parameters:
inputfile: The PDF file to be overlayed.
defaultOverlay.pdf: Default overlay file.
-odd oddPageOverlay.pdf: Overlay file used for odd pages.
-even evenPageOverlay.pdf: Overlay file used for even pages.
-first firstPageOverlay.pdf: Overlay file used for the first page.
-last lastPageOverlay.pdf: Overlay file used for the last pages.
-page pageNumber specificPageOverlay.pdf: Overlay file used for the given page number, may occur more than once.
-position: Where to put the overlay, foreground or background. Default: background
outputfile: The resulting pdf file.

Command Line Examples:
OverlayPDF input.pdf overlay.pdf output.pdf
OverlayPDF input.pdf defaultOverlay.pdf -page 10 overlayForPage10.pdf -position foreground output.pdf
OverlayPDF input.pdf -odd oddOverlay.pdf -even evenOverlay.pdf output.pdf

School PDFDebugger
This application will take an existing PDF document and allows to analyze and inspect the internal structure.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar PDFDebugger [inputfile]

Command Line Parameters:
-password: The password to the PDF document.
-viewstructure: Activates the "view structure" view on startup.
inputfile: the name of an optional PDF file to open.

School PDFMerger
This application will take a list of pdf documents and merge them, saving the result in a new document.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar PDFMerger <Source PDF files (2 ..n)> <Target PDF file>

School PDFSplit
This application will take an existing PDF document and split it into a number of other documents.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar PDFSplit [OPTIONS] <PDF file>

Command Line Parameters:
-password: The password to the PDF document.
-split: Number of pages of every splitted part of the pdf.
-startPage: The page to start at.
-endPage: The page to stop at.
-outputPrefix: The prefix for the generated file name. The resulting name will be in the format <prefix>-<nr>.pdf

Command Line Examples:
PDFSplit -split 2 sample_with_13_pages.pdf will split the pdf in pieces of 2 pages each except the last which will contain 1 page only.
PDFSplit -startPage 5 sample_with_13_pages.pdf will provide a pdf containing all pages of the source pdf starting at page 5
PDFSplit -startPage 5 -endPage 10 sample_with_13_pages.pdf will provide a pdf containing all pages from 5 to 10 of the source pdf
PDFSplit -split 2 -startPage 5 -endPage 10 sample_with_13_pages.pdf will provide 3 pdfs containing all pages from 5 to 10 of the source pdf 2 pages each

School PDFToImage
This application will create an image for every page in the PDF document.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar PDFToImage [OPTIONS] <PDF file>

Command Line Parameters:
-password: The password to the PDF document.
-imageType: The image type to write to. Currently only jpg or png. Default: jpg
-outputPrefix: The prefix to the image file. Default: Name of PDF document
-startPage: The first page to convert, one based. Default: 1
-endPage: The last page to convert, one based. Default: LastPage
-page: The only page to extract (1-based).
-dpi: DPI resolution of exported images. Default: detected from screen (or 96 if headless)
-color: The color depth (valid: bilevel, gray, rgb, rgba). Default: rgb
-cropbox <int> <int> <int> <int>: The page area to export.
-time: Prints timing information to stdout.

School PrintPDF
This application will send a pdf document to the printer.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar PrintPDF [OPTIONS] <inputfile>

Command Line Parameters:
-password: The password to decrypt the PDF.
-silentPrint: Print the PDF without prompting for a printer.
-printerName <name>: Print to specified printer.
-orientation [auto | portrait | landscape]:    Print using orientation. Default: auto
-border: Print with border.
-dpi: Render into intermediate image with specific dpi and then print.
inputfile: The PDF file to print.

School TextToPDF
This application will create a PDF document from a text file.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar TextToPDF [OPTIONS] <outputfile> <textfile>

Command Line Parameters:
-standardFont: The font to use for the text. Either this or -ttf should be specified but not both. Default: Helvetica
-ttf: The TTF font to use for the text. Either this or -standardFont should be specified but not both.
-fontSize: The size of the font to use. Default: 10

The following font names can be used for the parameter standardFont:

School WriteDecodedDoc
An application to decompress PDF documents.

usage: java -jar jpdftools.jar WriteDecodedDoc <input-file> <output-file>

Command Line Parameters:
-password: The password to the PDF document.
input-file: The PDF file to decompress
output-file: The destination PDF file

Business Software, PDF Software, Utilities

Batch SVG to PDF Converter Command Line

SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is a Command-Line utility to convert from SVG files to Adobe PDF documents. You can use this SVG to PDF Converter Command Line software to convert SVG to PDF, replicate SVG data to matching PDF elements and apply the output PDF file to mobile, print, and web applications for medical, legal, and financial sectors.

SVG to PDF Converter Command Line can be called via the command-line interface (CLI), so you can setup batch conversion via hot folders, programs and scripts easily.


SVG to PDF Converter Command Line key benefits:
* SVG to PDF can be integrated into your own application environment.
* CLI provides customization options to process high volume of files.
* Preserves formatting (whitespace and alignment).
* Font handling (match SVG fonts to PDF fonts) automatically.
* Supports embedded SVG fonts (TTF, OTF, WOFF, and Type 3).
* Fonts embedded in PDF output file.
* Exact visual replica from source SVG.
* Support external JPG, GIF, PNG, etc. image files.

What is an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file?
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a resolution-independent, open-standard file format. It is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), uses vector graphics, and supports limited animation. The main benefit of using an SVG file is, as the name implies, its scalability. This file type can be resized without a loss in image quality. In addition, SVG is unique in that it is not an image format. Instead, it is an XML-based standard that provides information for creating two-dimensional vector images.

How to open an SVG file?
SVG files open readily in most web browsers, such as Firefox or Microsoft Edge. In addition, since SVG is an XML file, you can view the XML-associated text in any common text editor, such as Windows Notepad or Brackets for macOS.

What is a PDF (Portable Document Format) file?
The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a universal file format that comprises characteristics of both text documents and graphic images which makes it one of the most commonly used file types today. The reason PDF is so widely popular is that it can preserve original document formatting. PDF files always look identical on any device or operating system.

How to open a PDF file?
Most people head right to Adobe Acrobat Reader when they need to open a PDF. Adobe created the PDF standard and its program is certainly the most popular free PDF reader out there.

SVG to PDF Converter Command Line software can be downloaded from this web page,

after you download it, you can run following command line to convert a SVG file to PDF file,

svg2pdf.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX -dpi 72 -d _Image29.pdf Image29.svg
svg2pdf.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX -dpi 72 -d _Image28.pdf Image28.svg
svg2pdf.exe -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX -dpi 72 -d _Image07.pdf Image07.svg


If you encounter any problem with this SVG to PDF Converter Command Line software, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.