Business Software, PDF Software

Best PDF Command Line Tools and API for Windows, Mac and Linux systems

Best PDF Command Line Tools and API for Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

VeryUtils PDF Command Line Tools and C/C++/Python/Java/.NET/JavaScript API give you a wide range of professional, robust tools to modify PDF files.


Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit),

PDF Toolkit Command Line Tools & Utilities,

More PDF products in VeryUtils marketplace,

All based on our own PDF technology and with a comprehensive manual.

PDF Editing Highlight Features:
* Quality Split and Merge, keeping bookmarks. Extract pages. Split on Bookmarks.
* All operations can apply to any page range, e.g 1-3,1-end or 6-30even. Collate pages.
* Combine multiple operations in a single command.
* Impose files n-up.
* Create new PDFs. Convert text files to PDF.
* Losslessly squeeze files to reduce their size.
* Encrypt and Decrypt (including AES 128 and AES 256 encryption).
* Read and set info and metadata from a PDF file. Set and read XMP Metadata.
* Scale, rotate, crop and flip pages. Scale pages to fit.
* Copy, Remove and Add bookmarks. Build table of contents from bookmarks.
* Stamp logos, shapes, watermarks, page numbers and multiline text. Transparency.
* List, copy or remove annotations.
* Add and remove file attachments to document or page. Extract attachments.
* Thicken hairlines, blacken text, make draft documents.
* Reconstruct malformed files.
* Detect missing fonts, low resolution images. Remove images. Extract images.
* Add printer's marks.
* Add, modify, remove, or print page labels.
* Export PDF file to / Import PDF file from JSON.
* Manipulate optional content groups.

PDF Editing Detailed Highlight Features:
+ General features
* Apply most operations to just selected page ranges of input files
* Decrypt on-the-fly when an input file is encrypted
* Use standard input and standard output to chain commands together
* Keep or change PDF File IDs
* Use a control file for parameters instead of the command line
* Linearize for fast web view on any operation
* Reconstruct malformed files
* Call from programs with full error handling
* Combine multiple operations into one command line
* Create new PDFs and convert text files to PDF

+ Merging and splitting
* Merge several PDF files into one, keeping bookmarks
* Collate pages when merging
* Split a PDF file into several chunks of a give size, keeping relevant bookmarks
* Split a PDF file at bookmark boundaries (chapter, section etc)

+ Page operations
* Scale pages (e.g from one paper size to another)
* Scale pages to fit
* Shift the contents of a page (e.g to change the margins)
* Rotate a page, in absolute or relative terms
* Flip a page horizontally or vertically
* Crop pages, or remove cropping
* Set a page's media, trim, art, bleed and crop boxes
* Add trim marks

+ Encrypt and decrypt PDF files using 40 bit and 128 bit RC4, or 128 bit and 256 bit AES security
+ Compress and Decompress the streams in a PDF file
+ Losslessly Squeeze files to reduce their size

+ Bookmarks
* List the bookmarks in a file (to JSON if required)
* Remove the bookmarks from a file (from JSON if required)
* Add bookmarks to a file
* Use complex destinations
* Build a table of contents from a PDF's bookmarks

+ Make PDF-based presentations with transition effects

+ Logos, watermarks and stamps
* Stamp a page over or under the pages of a file e.g to watermark
* Combine the pages of two files by combining the individual pages
* Add text, shapes, page numbers, or bates numbers to a page in different fonts, colors and sizes, and with transparency.
* Add multiline text paragraphs including justification.
* Copy fonts from other PDF documents, allowing the use of any font
* Add simple shapes to a page

+ Multipage facilities
* Put multiple pages on one page (n-up)
* Insert blank pages to pad before or after

+ Annotations
* List annotations (as JSON if required)
* Copy annotations from one file to another
* Remove annotations from a file

+ Document information and metadata
* Count pages
* List page info
* List fonts
* Read document info
* Set title, author etc.
* Set page layout, page mode and Acrobat display options
* Read, delete and set metadata
* Add, print, modify or remove page labels
* Set producer and creator
* Set, create or read XMP Metadata and individual fields

+ Add, remove, and extract file attachments, including other PDFs
+ Export PDF file to and import PDF file from JSON
+ Manipulate optional content groups

+ Miscellaneous
* List spot colours
* Thicken hairlines
* Detect missing fonts
* Copy and Remove Fonts
* Detect low resolution images
* Remove individual images
* Thicken hairlines
* Blacken text, fills or lines
* Make draft documents (remove pictures)
* Garbage collection of PDF files
* Change PDF version number
* Copy unique IDs from one file to another, or remove an ID

See some Command Line Usage Examples or C/C++ API Examples or Python Examples or .NET usage examples or Java usage examples or JavaScript usage examples .

Product Details
* Command Line Tools For Windows, MacOS, and Linux (other platforms by request)
* APIs for C/C++, Python, .NET, Java, and JavaScript
* Comprehensive manuals
* Generous discounts on multiple or developer licenses

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions,

Business Software

How to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files without require MS Word application?

How to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files without require MS Word application installed in your system?

If you want to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files, and your system hasn't MS Word installed, this article will useful to you.


Please by following steps to convert from DOC files to DOCX files without depend on MS Word application.

Step 1.

Please download "VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" from this web page,

You can use "VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" to convert from DOC files to HTML files first, you can use following command lines to convert from a DOC file to HTML file,

doc2any.exe -nooffice "D:\Downloads\test.doc" "D:\Downloads\test.html"

doc2any.exe application can parse DOC format directly and without require MS Word installed in your system.

Step 2.

Please download "ConvertDoc Command Line for Windows" from this web page, "ConvertDoc Command Line" software can be used to convert from HTML files to DOCX files,

After you download "ConvertDoc Command Line" software, you can run following command line to convert from HTML file to DOCX file,

ConvertDoc.exe -s -o "D:\Downloads\test.docx" "D:\Downloads\test.html"

"VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" and "ConvertDoc Command Line" are all standalone software, they are not depend on any other third-party software, such as MS Word and other applications.

If you want to convert from Word DOC files to DOCX files, and without a license for MS Office application, above solution will useful to you.

btw, "ConvertDoc Command Line" software supports lots of input and output formats, the following are all input and output formats which supported by "ConvertDoc Command Line" software,

Support input formats:
* commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
* creole (Creole 1.0)
* csv (CSV table)
* docbook (DocBook)
* docx (Word docx)

* dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
* epub (EPUB)
* fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
* gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported in gfm.
* haddock (Haddock markup)
* html (HTML)
* ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
* jats (JATS XML)
* jira (Jira wiki markup)
* json (JSON version of native AST)
* latex (LaTeX)
* markdown (ConvertDoc's Markdown)
* markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
* markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
* markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
* mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
* man (roff man)
* muse (Muse)
* native (native Haskell)
* odt (ODT)
* opml (OPML)
* org (Emacs Org mode)
* rst (reStructuredText)
* t2t (txt2tags)
* textile (Textile)
* tikiwiki (TikiWiki markup)
* twiki (TWiki markup)
* vimwiki (Vimwiki)

Support output formats:
* asciidoc (AsciiDoc) or asciidoctor (AsciiDoctor)
* beamer (LaTeX beamer slide show)
* commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)
* context (ConTeXt)
* docbook or docbook4 (DocBook 4)
* docbook5 (DocBook 5)
* docx (Word docx)
* dokuwiki (DokuWiki markup)
* epub or epub3 (EPUB v3 book)
* epub2 (EPUB v2)
* fb2 (FictionBook2 e-book)
* gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown), or the deprecated and less accurate markdown_github; use markdown_github only if you need extensions not supported in gfm.
* haddock (Haddock markup)
* html or html5 (HTML, i.e. HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup)
* html4 (XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
* icml (InDesign ICML)
* ipynb (Jupyter notebook)
* jats_archiving (JATS XML, Archiving and Interchange Tag Set)
* jats_articleauthoring (JATS XML, Article Authoring Tag Set)
* jats_publishing (JATS XML, Journal Publishing Tag Set)
* jats (alias for jats_archiving)
* jira (Jira wiki markup)
* json (JSON version of native AST)
* latex (LaTeX)
* man (roff man)
* markdown (ConvertDoc's Markdown)
* markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown)
* markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra)
* markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown)
* mediawiki (MediaWiki markup)
* ms (roff ms)
* muse (Muse)
* native (native Haskell),
* odt (OpenOffice text document)
* opml (OPML)
* opendocument (OpenDocument)
* org (Emacs Org mode)
* pdf (PDF)
* plain (plain text),
* pptx (PowerPoint slide show)
* rst (reStructuredText)
* rtf (Rich Text Format)
* texinfo (GNU Texinfo)
* textile (Textile)
* slideous (Slideous HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* slidy (Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* dzslides (DZSlides HTML5 + JavaScript slide show),
* revealjs (reveal.js HTML5 + JavaScript slide show)
* s5 (S5 HTML and JavaScript slide show)
* tei (TEI Simple)
* xwiki (XWiki markup)
* zimwiki (ZimWiki markup)
* the path of a custom Lua writer, see Custom writers below

Business Software, PDF Software, Solutions

ImagePrinter Converts PDF and other office documents into various formats

ImagePrinter is the most complete solution for conversion of any printable documents into: JPEG, JP2000, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, SWF, RTF, XLS, PDF, DjVu or HTML formats. A variety of configuration options, such as page size, image quality, watermarks, thumbnails, and image rotation, allow you to customize the output files to suit your needs. Support for advanced PDF options, including password protection, 128 bit encryption and PDF/A format is also included.


ImagePrinter works with any Windows applications and enables you to convert any documents. You can use ImagePrinter to convert your PDFs, MS Office documents, and web pages into portable print-ready image formats like TIFF or PNG.


ImagePrinter seamlessly and automatically integrates into all of your Windows applications that offer printing options, including MS Office, web browsers, email clients, and text editors, etc.

Converted files can be sent via email, or delivered via HTTP or FTP servers.

ImagePrinter Highlight Features:
* Print to PDF from any Windows program.
* Runs on Microsoft Windows XP(SP 2)/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 and later systems.
* Supports 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

* Graphical user interface.
* Password protect PDF documents 128 bit PDF encryption.
* Custom page size.
* Quality settings.
* Send generated files via E-Mail.
* Set document properties.
* User interface control.
* Support for Citrix MetaFrame
* Support for Windows Terminal Server
* Share a ImagePrinter for Network Users
* Multiple output types supported: JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, SWF, RTF, XLS, PDF, DjVu or HTML.
* Small, agile, and easy-to-use virtual printer with intuitive user experience
* Automatic integration into OS and applications
* Full support of all basic image formats like BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF, and GIF with color adjusting
* Flexible settings for printing into PDF, HTML, DjVu, Shockwave Flash, Rich Text Format, and MS Excel spreadsheet
* Watermarks and thumbnails for print-ready documents
* Three delivery options: via e-mail, HTTP, or FTP server
* Settings only for the current user or for all users
* Free updates and technical support for 1 year.

Print to File formats:
* Print to BMP (Microsoft Windows Bitmap)
* Print to PNG (Portable Network Graphic Format)
* Print to JPG (JPEG File Interchange Format)
* Print to JPEG 2000 (JPEG2000 File Interchange Format)
* Print to TIFF (Tag Image File Format)
* Print to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format )
* Print to SWF (Shockwave Flash)
* Print to RTF (Rich Text Format)
* Print to PDF (Adobe Portable Data Format)
* Print to DjVu (Pronounced like déjà vu)
* Print to XLS (MS Office Excel)
* Print to HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Convert Word to JPG or PDF:
* You can easy convert any Word (Microsoft® Office Word) document to JPG or PDF format.
* Convert Word to JPG

Send file using FTP or TCP:
* When this option is enabled, the resulting file(s) will be automatically uploaded to your server after the printing process finishes using the FTP or TCP protocol.

Image Processing
* Thumbnails images
* Watermark function
* Rotate image
* Anti aliasing filter
* Re-sample images
* Crop images


PHP Batch Email Sender – Email Marketing Software – Bulk Email Sender software

PHP Batch Email Sender is a powerful self-hosted email marketing application that helps you send emails beyond limits. Promote your brand and grow your business with beautifully designed emails.


Marketing + Transactional Emailing

PHP Batch Email Sender is a powerful self-hosted automated email marketing application that helps you to send emails of your own choice. From its core features of efficient contact and list management to more advanced functionality of flexible sending, automated follow-ups, and drips, PHP Batch Email Sender is one step ahead of its contemporary programs.

Prepare your next sales engagement and email marketing campaign with PHP Batch Email Sender, use a Built-in Email Builder to design awesome templates, connect with your preferred email delivery service, schedule for the perfect time to send, and see your leads graph rising on the go.

PHP Batch Email Sender Highlight Features:

Sending Beyond Limits
No subscriber count and no limited quota, designed to send bulk emails beyond the limits.

SMTPs/Mail Servers
Integrate with industry's leading mail services like (Amazon SES, Mailgun, SendGrid, MailJet, SparkPost, ElasticEmail, SendInBlue), and SMTP servers to ensure sustainable delivery.

Bounces/Complaints Processing
You may record your bounces and complaints about (Amazon SES, Mailgun, SendGrid, MailJet, ElaticEmail) within PHP Batch Email Sender.

Email Template Builder
Create responsively, professional B2B, and B2C email templates with multiple powerful email builders.

Automated Follow-Ups
A follow-up tool to help sales teams make leads, schedule meetings, and secure more sales.

Workflow Automation
Make data-driven decisions by creating a customer journey and automated workflows.

Multiple Text files for Email Addresses
Create multiple text files to manage your subscriber's list.

Email Segmentation
Classify the data by applying handy filters and increase the open rates by 203%.

Client Management
The client management system can help to use PHP Batch Email Sender as a SAAS.

APIs library to programmatically interact with PHP Batch Email Sender functions from your own application.

Reporting & Stats
Measure every aspect of your email campaign and use these insights to improve your future sending.

PDF Software

VeryUtils PDF Object Editor is a low-level PDF editor

VeryUtils PDF Object Editor is a standalone low-level PDF editor. It is an essential power tool for professionals working with PDF. Editing PDF files manually can be very difficult or impossible. PDF is a binary format, and traditional text editors cannot handle the complex graphic structure of PDF documents. Additionally, PDF data streams can be encrypted and compressed in a number of ways, making manual editing impossible. The PDF Object Editor automates low-level PDF editing tasks.


VeryUtils PDF Object Editor allows you to create, browse and edit PDFs and other Cos-based documents at the object level. This means now you can control what happens inside your PDF like never before. Similar to XML editors, PDF Object Editor allows you to create and edit low-level objects such as dictionaries, arrays, streams, numbers, and more. You can copy objects from existing documents, establish relationships between objects, modify document security: all in an easy-to-use and intuitive GUI that greatly increases productivity.

The main features and practical applications of the PDF Object Editor provide users with significant productivity gains and powerful capabilities for PDF files and other Cos-based documents, making it an invaluable tool for every PDF expert. The PDF Object Editor is a standalone application. Therefore, no additional Acrobat license is required.


VeryUtils PDF Object Editor highlight features:
* Intuitive user interface for browsing, editing and creating PDF/FDF and other Cos-based documents.
* Support for standard 40-bit and 128-bit PDF security (and custom security via plugins).
* Supports various compression schemes.
* Content extraction (it's easy to extract images, fonts, content streams, etc.).
* Security Settings Editor.
* Incremental save.
* File information editing.
* Unused object removal (garbage collector for PDF files).
* Drag and drop, copy and paste.
* Integrated file repair utility that can repair files with corrupted cross-reference tables.

Common Use Case Scenarios:
* Edit documents: modify existing data, create new objects, or import objects from existing documents.
* Navigate and explore the low-level object hierarchy of a PDF file (or any Cos-based document) for debugging, preflighting, and more.
* View or extract streaming data such as page descriptions, images, fonts, and embedded files.
* Check and modify document information (e.g. title, subject, keywords, etc.).
* Use the document rebuild function to repair files (for example, files with corrupted cross-reference tables).
* Delete unused objects (such as unreferenced objects).
* Create a new document from scratch.
* Perform advanced operations on documents using a small set of atomic operations: insert/delete pages, edit bookmarks, comments and other advanced constructs.
* Check, add, delete, and modify document security and permission settings.

Supported Operating Systems
* Windows.

System Requirements
* At least 3 MB of free disk space.
* Memory requirements depend on the source document being edited.